h1. Getting Started with Whirr h2. Whirr CLI h3. Pre-requisites You need to install Java 6 on your machine. Also, you need to have an account with a cloud provider, such as Amazon EC2. h3. Install Whirr [Download|http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/whirr/] or [build|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WHIRR/How+To+Contribute] Whirr. Call the directory which contains the Whirr JAR files {{WHIRR\_HOME}} (you might like to define this as an environment variable). You can test that Whirr is working by running (this is for version {{0.1.0-incubating}}): {code} % java -jar $WHIRR_HOME/whirr-cli-0.1.0-incubating.jar {code} It is handy to create an alias for whirr: {code} % alias whirr='java -jar $WHIRR_HOME/whirr-cli-0.1.0-incubating.jar' {code} h3. Launch a cluster First, create a properties file to define the cluster. The name doesn't matter, but here we will assume it is called _hadoop.properties_ and located in your home directory. This file defines a cluster with a single machine for the namenode and jobtracker, and a further machine for a datanode and tasktracker. {code} whirr.service-name=hadoop whirr.cluster-name=myhadoopcluster whirr.instance-templates=1 jt+nn,1 dn+tt whirr.provider=ec2 whirr.identity= whirr.credential= whirr.private-key-file=${sys:user.home}/.ssh/id_rsa {code} Run the following command to launch a cluster: {code} % whirr launch-cluster --config hadoop.properties {code} Once the cluster has launched you can browse it by connecting to http://master-host:50030. h3. Configuration Whirr is configured using a properties file, and optionally using command line arguments when using the CLI. Command line arguments take precedence over properties specified in a properties file. See the [Configuration Guide|configuration-guide] for details. h3. Destroy a cluster When you've finished using a cluster you can terminate the instances and clean up resources with {code} % whirr destroy-cluster --config hadoop.properties {code} h2. Whirr API Whirr provides a Java API for stopping and starting clusters. Please see the unit test source code for how to achieve this. There's also some example code at [http://github.com/hammer/whirr-demo].