h1. Automatically Shutting Down a Cluster You can use the {{--auto-shutdown}} option to automatically terminate a cluster at a specified number of minutes after launch. This is useful for short-lived clusters where the jobs complete in a known amount of time. *To configure the automatic shutdown (for example, 50 minutes after launch):* {code} hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster --auto-shutdown 50 my-hadoop-cluster 2 {code} You can also use the configuration property {{auto\_shutdown}} in the configuration file; for example, to shut down 50 minutes after launch, you would use {{auto\_shutdown=50}}. *To cancel the automatic shutdown:* {code} % hadoop-ec2 exec my-hadoop-cluster shutdown -c % hadoop-ec2 update-slaves-file my-hadoop-cluster % hadoop-ec2 exec my-hadoop-cluster /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/slaves.sh shutdown -c {code}