Hello! Welcome to Apache-Axis.
What do you want to do today?
- Validate
the local installation's configuration
see below if this does not work.
- View
the list of deployed Web services
Call a local endpoint that list's the caller's
http headers (or see its
- Visit
the Apache-Axis Home Page
- Administer Axis
[disabled by default for security reasons]
- SOAPMonitor
[disabled by default for security reasons]
To enable the disabled features, uncomment the appropriate declarations in
WEB-INF/web.xml in the webapplication and restart it.
Validating Axis
If the "happyaxis" validation page displays an exception instead of a
status page, the likely cause is that you have multiple XML parsers in
your classpath. Clean up your classpath by eliminating extraneous parsers.
If you have problems getting Axis to work, consult the Axis
and then try the Axis user mailing list.