Woden Incubating 1.0M7a Release Notes

April 2007. This is the Milestone 7a (M7a) release of Apache Woden.
The Milestone plan is at http://incubator.apache.org/woden/dev/1.0/milestoneplan.html.

Incubation Disclaimer

The Woden project is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Web Services PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Key points

Milestone releases will deliver Woden functionality gradually, leading up to a 1.0 release. The objective of a 1.0 release will be to deliver a WSDL processor that fully implements the W3C WSDL 2.0 specification, with functionality to parse WSDL 2.0 documents into the WSDL 2.0 component model and validate their syntax and semantics.

The W3C WSDL 2.0 specification is at W3C Candidate Recommendation (CR) 'Last Call' until 15 April 2007 and is then expected to move to Proposed Recommendation (PR). The progression from PR to a full W3C Recommendation (equivalent to a formal spec) is expected 3-4 weeks after PR.

The M7a release is an incremental release of M7 which was released 19 February 2007. M7a has been released to deliver an essential fix for the upcoming Axis2 1.2 release. Namely, the change of the WSDL 2.0 namespaces from the CR format "http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl*" to the shortened format "http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl*". The W3C WSDL 2.0 test suite has been updated to use this new namespace format and as with the M7 release, M7a is still 100% compliant with the Component Model test suite (ie. the 'good' WSDL documents). The 'Component Model Tests Results' are available on the WSDL 2.0 Interop Dashboard. M7a also contains a minor fix to the URI resolver.

The main focus of the next release (M8) will be to complete Woden's WSDL 2.0 compliance by fully supporting the assertions defined in the WSDL 2.0 spec. That is, completing Woden's validation logic to capture violations of these assertions in the 'bad' WSDL documents in the W3C WSDL 2.0 test suite.

Other significant functionality that remains to be delivered is:

The Woden parser framework and its programming model originated from WSDL4J, a WSDL 1.1 processor. Differences in WSDL 2.0 mean that the Woden WSDL object model is quite different to WSDL4J's, however other WSDL4J features have been reused or adapted, such as its extension architecture.

What's new in this release?

This release includes the following new features:

Current Release Structure

The M7a release is available in 3 types of archives; zip, tar.gz and tar.bz2. For each archive type there is a binary and a source distribution archive, each with its own MD5 and sha1 checksums. The source distribution contains the entire Woden Subversion source code tree.

The binary distribution contains the Woden API Javadoc and the three Woden jar files described below:
Woden depends on the following libraries and these are also included in the binary distribution:

The next release of Woden will produce separate distributions for the DOM and AXIOM implementations, each with only their own dependent libraries.

What's still to do?

Please see this list of what we think needs doing - and please consider helping out if you're interested & able! A more complete and up-to-date list of ToDos is the Woden JIRA issues at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/Woden.

Example Usage

   WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
   WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader();
   reader.setFeature(ReaderFeatures.VALIDATION_FEATURE_ID, true); <-- enable WSDL 2.0 validation (optional) 
   Description descComp = reader.readWSDL(wsdlLoc);               <-- the Description component, always returned
   DescriptionElement descElem = descComp.toElement();            <-- the <description> element, if required
A custom error handler can also be specified as follows:
   Description descComp = reader.readWSDL(wsdlLoc, myErrorHandler);
WSDL can be parsed from some underlying object or byte stream content (rather than a URL) using a WSDLSource object:
   WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
   WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader();
   reader.setFeature(WSDLReader.FEATURE_VALIDATION, true);
   WSDLSource wsdlSource = reader.createWSDLSource();  //the WSDLSource impl is specific to the WSDLReader impl
   wsdlSource.setSource(wsdlSrc);                      //where wsdlSrc might be a DOM Document or Element object
   Description descComp = reader.readWSDL(wsdlSource);

Known Problems/Issues

  1. The StAX/AXIOM implementation is less complete than the Xerces/DOM implementation and some functionality is not yet implemented (e.g. parsing of extenions).
  2. Currently, the only type system supported is W3C XML Schema and this is exposed at certain points of the API (through the use of the XmlSchema interface). Later on we will consider more general, extendable support for other type systems.
  3. Validation does not yet cover all WSDL 2.0 assertions and in fact, the W3C WSDL 2.0 Assertion Test Suite Coverage report shows that 'bad' WSDL testcases for some of these assertions do not not yet exist (i.e. this test suite is incomplete). So, there will currently be some Woden failures on the WSDL 2.0 Validation Tests report on the Dashboard.
  4. The current extension mechanism mandates statically typed interfaces for each type of extension. This requires the client application to know each required extension and its API. Some investigation has been done on a more flexible, dynamic extension mechanism and any changes that arise from this will be delivered in M8 (this was deferred from the M7 plan due to lack of time and resources).
  5. To improve performance, a better mechanism is required for caching retrieved documents to reduce network requests. This will be addressed along side work on the XML Entity Resolver described above.