Get access to the xml: attribute groups for xml:lang as declared on 'schema'
and 'documentation' below
TopicPathExpression ::= TopicPath ( '|' TopicPath )*
TopicPath ::= RootTopic ChildTopicExpression*
RootTopic ::= NamespacePrefix? ('//')? (NCName | '*')
NamespacePrefix ::= NCName ':'
ChildTopicExpression ::= '/' '/'? (QName | NCName | '*'| '.')
The pattern allows strings matching the following EBNF:
ConcreteTopicPath ::= RootTopic ChildTopic*
RootTopic ::= QName
ChildTopic ::= '/' (QName | NCName)
The pattern allows strings matching the following EBNF:
RootTopic ::= QName