This guide records the memory management semantics and some of the rationales of the design decisions on which memory management semantics are based on. Being a C/C++ application, it is a must that all users as well as developers have a clear understanding on how to deal with memory allocation and deallocation.
The allocation and deallocation mechanisms are centered around the serializer and deserializer operations in Axis C++. At the moment, because Axis C++ support both C and C++ clients and services, the deserializer uses malloc() for memory allocation. Hence C++ users may have to live with free() (instead of delete) for deallocation. Of course one could still use delete from C++ programs, however this may not guarantee the cleanest memory deallocation.
The values returned by the Axis C++ engine must be memory cleaned by the user written code. The C++ code generated by the WSDL2Ws tool does contain destructors. However, at the moment, it is not gauranteed that the destructor of a generated class would clean all the pointer members (Some members are cleaned while others are not). Hence the users must have a look at the generated code to understand the semantics of memory cleaning. In case of C code, of course the user must take care of memory cleaning.
Please note that in case of arrays, both for C and C++, the Axis C++ engine returns a struct. Hence it is a must that the memory is cleaned properly.
C++ Example:
// testing echoIntegerArray xsd__int_Array arrint; // Parameter for method call arrint.m_Array = new int[ARRAYSIZE]; arrint.m_Size = ARRAYSIZE; for (x = 0; x < ARRAYSIZE; x++) { arrint.m_Array[x] = x; } printf ("invoking echoIntegerArray...\n"); xsd__int_Array arrintResult = ws.echoIntegerArray (arrint); // Deal with the return value if (arrintResult.m_Array != NULL) { printf ("successful\n"); // Clean memory of the returned array free(arrintResult.m_Array); } else printf ("failed\n"); // Clean memory allocated for parameter delete [] arrint.m_Array;
IHeaderBlock is a virtual class that defines the interface to deal with SOAP headers. You can create an IHeaderBlock at the client side using the API provided with Stub classes.
IHeaderBlock* Stub::createSOAPHeaderBlock(AxisChar * pachLocalName, AxisChar * pachUri);Here the Stub class will maintain a list of all the created Header Blocks, and in the destructor of the Stub class, it will clean up memory by deleting all those Header Blocks that were created by the user.
Note 1: It is advisable that if a user wants to delete a Hheader Block, (s)he uses the API provided by the Stub class to do so.
void deleteCurrentSOAPHeaderBlock();Stub class is also equipped with iterator methods to traverse through the current list of Header Blocks created.
Note 2: IHeaderBlock destructor will take care of the Header Block member variables and cleans them; BasicNodes (i.e its children) and the Attributes.
If the Header Blocks are created within a Handler then it is the responsibility of the Handler writer to clean those. For that the user can write the cleanup code either in the fini() method or in the destructor of the Handler, depending on the following situations
If a target handler access a Header Block created by the deserializer then it is the responsibility of the Handler to delete it.
As C++ is an object oriented language, one would ideally like to leverage constructors and destructors for memory management. However, the Axis C++ engine uses structs in some cases (e.g. Arrays) and uses malloc() to allocate memory. Hence the C++ programmer would be forced to use free() at times. When using malloc() and free() constructors and destructors are not called. However, as the Axis C++ engine currently supports both C and C++, it is not simple to replace all malloc() with new or free() with delete. At the same time, there are some places where new and delete are being used. They too cannot be replaced with malloc() and free() overnight. This memory management complexity is the price paid for dual support of C and C++. Efforts are under way to clean up the memory management mix-ups and still support both C and C++. Currently the proposed solution is to make the Axis C++ engine pure C++ and use a wrapper mechanism to support C.
When an array is de-serialized it uses C style memory re-allocation mechanism in the present code. C++ does not support realloc() and if we use new instead we have to allocate fresh memory blocks each time we need to increase the array size. This can be more expensive than using realloc(). Again the price paid for efficiency is that one has to use free() and not delete [] from C++ code.