To run the TCP Transport samples, do the following: 1. Set up your CLASSPATH. 2. Start a server. 3. Deploy the service. 4. Run the sample. 1. Set up your CLASSPATH. The CLASSPATH must contain: an XML parser (ie., Xerces), JUnit (, all the jars in the lib directory, and the directory containing the samples subdirectory. 2. Start a server. To run the sample, you will first need to run a server. To run the TCP server: java samples.transport.tcp.TCPListener -p 3. Deploy the service. To deploy the service, run: java samples.transport.tcp.AdminClient -l tcp://: deploy.wsdd TCPListner does not save the deployed services in any config files. So you have to deploy the service every time you restart the TCPListener. The list of currently deployed services can be seen using: java samples.transport.tcp.AdminClient -l tcp://: list 4. Run the sample. Finally, to run the client, run: java samples.transport.tcp.GetQuote -l tcp://: Also note that if you use some other URL scheme, for example, http://...... in the step 4, the request is sent using the HTTP protocol. Thus if you are not using the TCPListener, but some HTTP server or SimpleAxisServer, you can use the same client with URL = http://:/ServicePATH to invoke the service. The onwire representation of the TCP transport request is: