This is the 1.1 RC1 release of the Axis SOAP library.
1.1 RC1 is being released to get ready to release 1.1 at the end of February. This release serves to get recent bugfixes and improvements out into the testing community so that 1.1 final can be as good as possible. Please bang on the APIs, kick the tires, and let us know about any problems you have!
However, this is far from the end of the road for Axis: there is more documentation to be written; the SOAP v1.2 spec. needs to be tracked to completion and implemented fully; major functional enhancements and architectural improvements are being considered. We particularly encourage you to submit improvements to the documentation, however large or small and in any format, to Also, interoperability is always a concern, so please report all replicatable bugs.
The Axis Development Team
This release is intended to be 100% compliant with the JAX-RPC and SAAJ specifications from Sun. The Axis code has successfully passed the all of the JAX-RPC and SAAJ TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) tests.
The Axis code has:
Please check out the included documentation and the FAQ for more information.