Axis-java2wsdl Task
Generates a WSDL description from a Java class.
Apache Ant
Generates a WSDL description from a Java class.
Attribute Description Type
bindingname The name to use use for the binding element. If not specified, the value of the servicePortName + "SoapBinding" is used. java.lang.String
classname the class name to import, eg. org.example.Foo. Required. The class must be on the classpath. java.lang.String
exclude Comma separated list of methods to exclude from the wsdl file. java.lang.String
extraclasses The setter for the "extraClasses" attribute java.lang.String
implclass Sometimes extra information is available in the implementation class file. Use this option to specify the implementation class. java.lang.String
input Optional attribute that indicates the name of the input wsdl file. The output wsdl file will contain everything from the input wsdl file plus the new constructs. If a new construct is already present in the input wsdl file, it is not added. This option is useful for constructing a wsdl file with multiple ports, bindings, or portTypes.
location The url of the location of the service. The name after the last slash or backslash is the name of the service port (unless overridden by the -s option). The service port address location attribute is assigned the specified value. java.lang.String
locationimport the location of the interface WSDL when generating an implementation WSDL Required when outputImpl is set java.lang.String
methods If this option is specified, only the indicated methods in your interface class will be exported into the WSDL file. The methods list must be comma separated. If not specified, all methods declared in the interface class will be exported into the WSDL file java.lang.String
namespace the target namespace. Required. java.lang.String
namespaceimpl Namespace of the implementation WSDL. java.lang.String
output The name of the output WSDL file. If not specified, a suitable default WSDL file is written into the current directory.
outputimpl Use this option to indicate the name of the output implementation WSDL file. If specified, Java2WSDL will produce separate interface and implementation WSDL files. If not, a single WSDL file is generated
porttypename Indicates the name to use use for the portType element. If not specified, the class-of-portType name is used. java.lang.String
serviceelementname the name of the service element. If not specified, the service element is the portTypeNameService. java.lang.String
serviceportname service port name (obtained from location if not specified) java.lang.String
stopclasses Comma separated list of classes which stop the Java2WSDL inheritance search. java.lang.String
style The style of the WSDL document: RPC, DOCUMENT or WRAPPED. If RPC, a rpc/encoded wsdl is generated. If DOCUMENT, a document/literal wsdl is generated. If WRAPPED, a document/literal wsdl is generated using the wrapped approach. java.lang.String
typemappingversion the default type mapping registry to use. Either 1.1 or 1.2. Default is 1.1
use Set the use option java.lang.String
useinheritedmethods should inherited methods be exported too? Default=false boolean
Parameters as nested elements
mapping (
add a mapping of namespaces to packages
mappingset (
add a mapping of namespaces to packages

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