Axis Beta 3 Release Notes

This is the beta 3 release of the Axis SOAP library.

General Beta 3 Information

This is a beta release. Most of the functionality is there. There is still a chance that a few interfaces may change, but we will do our best to keep that from happening. See the User's Guide for a list of the published interfaces that we believe are stable.


This beta release is intended to be 100% compliant with the JAX-RPC and SAAJ specifications from Sun, though there are still a few known issues. The Axis team is currently working on getting the codebase to pass the TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) tests, which involves both tweaks to our code and resolving perceived issues with the TCK or the specs - since these are v1.0 specs, there are some interesting conversations going on, but we'll get to compliance as soon as possible!

Why AXIS over SOAP 2.2?

The Axis code has:

What's New?

Changes since beta-2:

Changes since alpha-3:

Please check out the included documentation and the FAQ for more information.