FileGenTestCase verifies that the proper set of files is generated for FileGen.wsdl. This is a test that would be useful for many WSDL files, so FileGenTestCase is also extensible. Here is the interface for FileGenTestCase: FileGenTestCase { public FileGenTestCase(java.lang.String); protected java.util.Set shouldExist(); protected java.lang.String rootDir(); public void testFileGen() throws; } All extensions should have a constructor that takes a String and calls super(string). This is a requirement of the junit framework. All extensions should override shouldExist. This method returns a set containing the String local names of the files that should exist in a given directory. All extensions should override rootDir. This method returns the name of the directory which will be checked for file existence. testFileGen is the test that does all the work and extensions do not need to override it. For a concrete example of an extension to FileGenTestCase, see xml-axis/java/test/wsdl/clash/