The implementation of SOAPTransport interface using LibWWW. The Axis C++ server side fails to work with 100-continue. Axis Java is capable of managing 100-continue. This is the default mode used in LibWWW. I used a macro in to enable/disable 100-continue. (use -DHT_EXT_CONTINUE to enable or -UHT_EXT_CONTINUE to disable in AM_CPPFLAGS setting) I observed that the transport is much faster when it is used without 100-continue. However, to disable 100-continue, LibWWW need to be built with -–with-extension option (./configure --with-extension) You do not need to bother about location of LibWWW headers and libraries, provided that you have done the LibWWW installation properly. I have used libwww-config in the to pick LibWWW specific settings. Once you build the library, you could use it by speci the location of the lib in $AXIS_HOME/axiscpp.conf file. e.g. Transport_http:/usr/local/Axis/libs/ For more information on LibWWW please see Issues: The thread test in tests/client/threadSafe fails with this implementation. Bit of surfing lead me to, which says “LibWWW is not posix thread safe but it uses a 'pseudo-thread' model based on non-blocking sockets and interleaved IO.” Bit of research is needed to figure out how to make this implementation thread safe. It remains a TODO as of now. - Samisa...