To see a full running of this, as the different component would be replaced by the new system, do the following:
ant clean compile ant -buildfile buildPreTestTaskdefs.xml ant -buildfile buildSamples.xml compile ant -buildfile buildTest.xml compile ant -buildfile buildTest.xml functional-testsTo see how the componentized build structure is affected, as well as cross-dependancies, do the following:
ant clean compile ant -buildfile buildTest.xml encoding(The encoding test has a dependancy on the echo sample.) Back to the Top
There were 6 design goals that were laid out for me before undertaking this project:
To this end, the general theory was applied to everything:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- Every project should begin with this next block --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!DOCTYPE project [ <!ENTITY properties SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/properties.xml"> <!ENTITY paths SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/path_refs.xml"> <!ENTITY taskdefs SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/taskdefs.xml"> <!ENTITY taskdefs_post_compile SYSTEM "file:../../xmls/taskdefs_post_compile.xml"> <!ENTITY targets SYSTEM "file:../../../xmls/targets.xml"> ]> < project default="compile" > <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- This tells how "deep" you are (how many levels down from xml-axis/java --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <property name="axis.home" location="../../.." /> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- This is the path description of where you are right now, relative to xmls-axis/java --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <property name="componentName" value="test/wsdl/marrays" /> &properties; &paths; &taskdefs; &taskdefs_post_compile; &targets; <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- This target should remove anything created by this component --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> < target name="clean"/> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- This target should copy in anything that this component needs, or copy out to staging --> <!-- This target should also do any neccessary "setup" tasks (manage pre-reqs, etc) --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> < target name="copy"/> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- This target actually "makes" things --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> < target name="compile"/> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <!-- This target "runs" things in/for this component, if neccessary --> <!-- =========================================================================================== --> <target name="run" > <antcall target="execute-Component" /> </target> </project>
< target name="echo"> < ant inheritAll="true" antfile="samples/echo/buildComponent.xml"/> </target>This should be done if this sample/test is to be a dependancy of another sample or test.
< target name="copy"> < ant inheritAll="true" antfile="buildTest.xml" target="utils"/> < ant inheritAll="true" antfile="buildTest.xml" target="RFCDispatch"/> </target>
A new top-level path was created, named "xmls". This path houses the common xml configuration file fragments. Roughly, in order of their inclusion, they are:
properties.xml contains common properties, eliminating the large property setting blocks at the top of each build*.xml file.
path_refs.xml contains the common CLASSPATH setup, to eliminate needing to track, or multiply define this large structure in all files separately.
taskdefs.xml contains common ant tasks that are set up, the are inherent in the configuration.
taskdefs_post_compile.xml contains the definitions of tasks that are built during the compilation of tasks, such as forEach, java2wsdl, and wsdl2java.
targets.xml contains common configuration level targets that required hundreds of lines of repeated code in the build*.xml files.
The old $(TOP)/build.xml had a target called "samples" which did a very simple full-compile on everything referenced by samples/**/*.java. Although this was very simple, it was not very "strong" in that everything in the samples tree needed to be able to be compiled by this rule. Whenever anything needed to be altered in the samples, this main file needed to be modified. It was very possible for someone to add a sample that needed a change, and by changing the master file, could break an large number of things.
In order to alleviate this risk, and to better define the actual samples compilation and use, the samples building has been moved to a new xml file buildSamples.xml but the original target is still stubbed into build.xml for backwards compatibility and use does not change.
Then, I extracted the actual compilation logic for each sample, and componentized it into a buildComponent.xml file, located in the actual sample sub-directory. For example, for the echo sample is now run by the file samples/echo/buildComponent.xml. It can be singularly instantiated by invoking:
ant -buildfile buildSamples.xml echo
ant samples
The old $(TOP)/build.xml had a target called "buildTest" which did a very simple full-compile on every thing referenced by test/**/*.java. Although this was very simple, it was not very "strong" in that everything in the test tree needed to be able to be compiled by this rule. Whenever anything needed to be altered in the test, this main file needed to be modified. It was very possible for someone to add a test that needed a change, and by changing the master file, could break an large number of things.
In order to alleviate this risk, and to better define the actual test compilation and use, the test building has been moved to a new xml file buildTest.xml but the original target is still stubbed into build.xml for backwards compatibility and use does not change.
Then, I extracted the actual compilation logic for each test, and componentized it into a buildComponent.xml file, located in the actual test sub-directory. For example, for the session test is now compiled by the file test/session/buildComponent.xml. It can be singularly instantiated by invoking:
ant -buildfile buildTest.xml session
ant functional-tests