=========================================== Apache Axiom 1.2.14 Release Note =========================================== Axiom 1.2.14 contains fixes for more than twenty JIRA issues [1] as well as lots of other improvements. Users upgrading to 1.2.14 should take into account the following changes: * Axiom now uses Woodstox 4.1.x as StAX implementation (although 3.2.x and 4.0.x are still supported). * OMFactory implementations for DOOM are now stateless. * Several deprecated classes have been moved to a new JAR file named axiom-compat and are no longer included in the core artifacts (axiom-api, axiom-impl and axiom-dom). For more information about the possible impact on existing application code of these changes, please refer to the user guide. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12311190&version=12318340 - The Apache Axiom Team.