------------------ XML-RPC Data Types ------------------ Data Types The {{{http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec}XML-RPC specification}} defines the following available data types: *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Java Type | XML Tag Name | Description | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Integer | , or | A 32-bit, signed, and non-null, | | | | integer value. | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Boolean | | A non-null, boolean value (0, or | | | | 1). | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | String | | A string, non-null. | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Double | | A signed, non-null, double | | | | precision, floating point number. | | | | (64 bit) | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | java.util.Date | | A pseudo ISO8601 timestamp, like | | | | 19980717T14:08:55. However, | | | | compared to a true ISO8601 value, | | | | milliseconds, and time zone | | | | informations are missing. | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | byte[] | | A base64 encoded byte array. | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | java.util.Map | | A key value pair. The keys are | | | | strings. The values may be any | | | | valid data type, including another | | | | map. | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Object[] | | An array of objects. The array | | java.util.List | | elements may be any valid data | | | | type, including another array. | *--------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ If the property <<>> is set, then additional data types become valid. (Both client and server do support this property.) *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Java Type | XML Tag Name | Description | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | None | | A typeless null value. | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Byte | | A 8-bit, signed, and non-null, | | | | integer value. | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Float | | A signed, non-null, double | | | | precision, floating point number. | | | | (32 bit) | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | org.w3c.dom.Node | | A DOM node, which is being | | | | transmitted as an embedded XML | | | | fragment. | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | Short | | A 16-bit, signed, and non-null, | | | | integer value. | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | java.io.Serializable | | An object, which is converted into | | | | a serialized representation and | | | | transmitted as a base 64 encoded | | | | byte array. | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | BigDecimal | | A BigDecimal | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | BigInteger | | A BigInteger | *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ | java.util.Calendar | | Unlike the dateTime.iso8601 type, | | | | this is a full blown xs:dateTime | | | | value. In particular, it includes | | | | milliseconds, and timezone settings.| *----------------------+--------------------+-------------------------------------+ In the above table, the prefix <<>> refers to the namespace URI <<>>.