-------------------------------------------------------------------------- X M L - R P C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Apache XmlRpc package is an implementation of the XmlRpc specification with optional Servlet and SSL extensions. bin/ Temporary directory for building the project. build/ Location of Ant build.xml and build.properties files. src/ Location of Java sources and Torque templates. xdocs/ XmlRpc documention in DocBook format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B U I L D I N G -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can build the core XmlRpc package with the classes provided by your JDK. If you wish to use the Servlet and/or SSL extensions than you must set the following properties in either your ${user.home}/build.properties file, or the build.properties file provided in the XmlRpc build/ directory: jsse.jar jnet.jar jcert.jar servlet.jar These properties define full paths to JARs files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- R U N N I N G -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The default SAX parser that is used is in the XercesJ package so that should be present in your classpath when trying to use the XmlRpc package.