This directory contains a proposal for Apache Forrest based WSIF web pages for the XML Apache site. This directory forms an Apache Forrest project. To build the pages, follow these simple steps: 1) Download Apache Forrest from 2) Set up the Forrest environment as described in the Using Forrest article on the Forrest web site: 3) Navigate to the proposals/website directory 4) Run Forrest on the WSIF pages by simply typing forrest 5) Hopefully you should see the line BUILD SUCCESSFUL and a build directory should have been created under the website directory 6) Navigate to website/build/site and launch index.html to view the WSIF site If you have problems building the site check the following that you have correctly configured Forrest (see If you make changes to the source files and rebuild the site, you might find that the changes don't seem to take effect. If this happens, try deleting the build directory before running forrest. More inforamtion about using Forrest can be found at