WSIF.0001E=WSIF0001E\uff1a\u672a\u627e\u5230\u5143\u7d20\u7c7b\u578b\u2018{0}\u2019\u7684\u6269\u5c55\u6ce8\u518c\u8868 # Parameter(s): {0} element type # Description: No extension registry was found for the element type specfied. # User Action: Add the appropriate extension registry to the port factory in your code. WSIF.0002E=WSIF0002E\uff1a\u4ece\u2018{0}\u2019\u88c5\u5165 WSDL \u65f6\u53d1\u751f\u6545\u969c # Parameter(s): {0} location of the WSDL file # Description: The WSDL file could not be found at the location specified or did not parse correctly # User Action: Check that the location of the WSDL file is correct. Check that any network connections required are available. # Check that the WSDL file contains valid WSDL. WSIF.0003W=WSIF0003W\uff1a\u67e5\u627e\u53ef\u63d2\u5165\u63d0\u4f9b\u7a0b\u5e8f\uff1a{0} \u65f6\u51fa\u9519 # Parameter(s): {0} specific details about the error # Description: There was a problem locating a WSIF pluggable provider using the J2SE 1.3 JAR file extensions to support service providers architecture. The WSIF trace file will contain the full exception details. # User Action: Verify that a META-INF/services/org.apache.wsif.spi.WSIFProvider file exists in a provider jar, that each class referenced in the META-INF file exists in the classpath, and that each class implements org.apache.wsif.spi.WSIFProvider. # The class in error will be ignored and WSIF will continue locating other pluggable providers. WSIF.0004E=WSIF0004E\uff1aWSDL \u5305\u542b\u64cd\u4f5c\u7c7b\u578b\u2018{0}\u2019\uff0c\u5bf9\u4e8e\u2018{1}\u2019\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u6b64\u7c7b\u578b # Parameter(s): {0} name of the operation type specified # {1} name of the portType for the operation # Description: An operation type which is not supported has been specified in the WSDL. # User Action: Remove any operations of the unsupported type from the WSDL. If the operation is required then make sure all messages # have been correctly specified for the operation. WSIF.0005E=WSIF0005E\uff1a\u8c03\u7528\u65b9\u6cd5\u2018{1}\u2019\u65f6\u53d1\u751f\u9519\u8bef\u3002\uff08\u2018{0}\u2019\uff09 # Parameter(s): {0} name communication type e.g. EJB or ApacheSOAP # {1} name of the method which failed # Description: An error was encountered when invoking a method on the web service using the communication shown in brackets. # User Action: Check that the method exists on the web service and that the correct parts have been added to the operation as described in the WSDL. # Network problems might be a cause if the method is remote and so check any required connections. WSIF.0006W=WSIF0006W\uff1a\u627e\u5230\u591a\u4e2a\u652f\u6301\u76f8\u540c\u540d\u79f0\u7a7a\u95f4 URI\u2018{0}\u2019\u7684 WSIFProvider\u3002\u627e\u5230\uff08\u2018{1}\u2019\uff09 # Parameter(s): {0} the namespace URI # {1} a list of the WSIFProvider found # Description: There are multiple org.apache.wsif.spi.WSIFProvider classes in the service provider path that support the same namespace URI. # User Action: A following WSIF0007I message will be issued notifing which WSIPFProvider will be used. # Which WSIFProvider is choosen is based on settings in the file, or if not defined in the properties, the last WSIFProvider found will be used. # See the file for more details on how to define which provider should be used to support a namespace URI. WSIF.0007I=WSIF0007I\uff1a\u4f7f\u7528 namespaceURI\u2018{1}\u2019\u7684 WSIFProvider\u2018{0}\u2019 # Parameter(s): {0} the classname of the WSIFProvider being used. # {1} the namespaceURI the provider will be used to support. # Description: Either a previous WSIF0006W message has been issued or the SetDynamicWSIFProvider method has been used to override the provider used to support a namespaceURI. # User Action: None. See also WSIF0006W. WSIF.0008W=WSIF0008W\uff1a\u7531\u4e8e\u8d85\u65f6\u5bfc\u81f4 WSIFDefaultCorrelationService \u9664\u53bb\u76f8\u5173\u56e0\u5b50\u3002\u6807\u8bc6\uff1a\u2018{0}\u2019 # Parameter(s): {0} the id of the correlator being removed from the correlation service # Description: A stored correlator is being removed from the correlation service due to its timeout expiring. # User Action: Determine why no response has been received for the asynchronous request within the timeout period. # The wsif.asyncrequest.timeout property of the file defines the length of the timeout period. WSIF.0009I=WSIF0009I\uff1a\u4f7f\u7528\u76f8\u5173\u670d\u52a1 \uff0d\u2018{0}\u2019 # Parameter(s): {0} the name of the correlation service being used # Description: This identifies the name of the correlation service that will be used to prccess asynchronous requests. # User Action: None. If a correlation service other than the default WSIF supplied one is required, ensure that it is correclty registered in the JNDI java:comp/wsif/WSIFCorrelationService namespace. WSIF.0010E=WSIF0010E\uff1a\u5904\u7406\u5f02\u6b65\u54cd\u5e94\u65f6\u629b\u51fa\u5f02\u5e38 \uff0d\u2018{0}\u2019 # Parameter(s): {0} the error message string of the exception # Description: While processing the response from an executeRequestResponseAsync call an exception was thrown. # User Action: Use the exception error message string to determine the cause of the error. The WSIF trace will have more details on the error including the exception stack trace. WSIF.0011I=WSIF0011I\uff1a\u9996\u9009\u7684\u7aef\u53e3\u2018{0}\u2019\u4e0d\u53ef\u7528 # Parameter(s): {0} the user's preferred port # Description: The preferred port set by the user on org.apache.wsif.WSIFService is not available # User Action: None unless this message appears for long periods of time in which case the user might want to pick a different port as their preferred port