A J2SE v1.3 SDK (eg from Java J2SE site) and the Apache Jakarta Ant tool to build wsif. Ant is available at the Apache ANT website. To build WSIF the jars from the following packages are required:
JAXP compliant XML parser, such as Apache Xerces. xercesImpl.jar xmlParserAPIs.jar WSDL for Java API (WSDL4J), from the IBM developerWorks site. wsdl4j.jar qname.jar Apache SOAP, from the Apache SOAP site soap.jar Apache Axis, from the Apache Axis site axis.jar saaj.jar jaxrpc.jar commons-logging.jar J2EE 1.3 from the Java J2EE site j2ee.jar
Currently, in order to successfully build WSIF, all the above prerequisites are required no matter which providers are going to be used.