@echo off set URL=http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter rem set URL=http://localhost:81/soap/servlet/rpcrouter set BASEDIR=i:/xml-soap/java/build/samples/mime/ echo This test assumes a server URL of: echo %URL% echo This test assumes that the server has access to a directory containing echo the sample files foo.txt, infile.txt and fields.gif: echo %BASEDIR% echo Edit this file if the above parameters are incorrect. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Deploying the sample MIME service... echo . java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient %URL% deploy DeploymentDescriptor.xml echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Verifying that it's there... echo . java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient %URL% list echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Sending a small text file (foo.txt) as an attachment parameter. echo This should return details about the file. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% sendFile foo.txt echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Looping a binary file (fields.gif) as an attachment parameter. echo This should return the exact same file as the response. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% loopFile fields.gif echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Retrieving a text file with international characters (infile.txt) and echo a binary file (fields.gif) from the server as a vector of parameters. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% getFileVector %BASEDIR%infile.txt %BASEDIR%fields.gif echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Passing a text file with international characters (infile.txt) and echo a binary file (fields.gif) as a Vector of attachment parameters. The echo result should be the same as above. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% loopFileVector infile.txt fields.gif echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Retrieving a text file with international characters (infile.txt) and echo a binary file (fields.gif) from the server as an array of attachment echo parameters. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% getFileArray %BASEDIR%infile.txt %BASEDIR%fields.gif echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Passing a text file with international characters (infile.txt) and echo a binary file (fields.gif) as an array of attachment parameters. The echo result should be the same as above. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% loopFileArray infile.txt fields.gif echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Passing a text file (foo.txt) and a binary file (fields.gif) as echo attachments not referred to in the SOAP envelope. echo . java samples.mime.MimeTestClient %URL% listAttachments foo.txt fields.gif echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Undeploying... echo . java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient %URL% undeploy urn:mimetest echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Verifying that it's gone... echo . java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient %URL% list echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo That's all folks!