Service: ------- There is no service for this example. The clients are hard-coded to access service endpoints of and The former requires a password which had been easy and free to obtain, although as of May 31, 2003, it is no longer as clear how one obtains a password. Client: ------ java samples.doclit.Add number1 number2 java samples.doclit.GetQuote symbol Additional Client Classpath Requirements: ---------------------------------------- ../.. Explanation: ----------- This is a sample of using document/literal encoding on the client. Setting docLitSerialization to true for the Call's SOAPContext object forces doc/lit serialization. Setting qualifyElements true forces all elements to have a namespace specified. To read the return value, de-serializers must be mapped for each name being returned. Sample Usage: ------------ java samples.doclit.Add 5 10 java samples.doclit.GetQuote SUNW