Apache-SOAP Version 2.3: Installing the Server Side Under Jetty v4.1.1

Getting Jetty ready:

Apache SOAP requires activation.jar and mail.jar, neither of which is normally in the Jetty classpath. These can be added to the script used to start Jetty.

If you run jetty.bat, then after line 117 of jetty.bat, add the following two lines:

    	set CP=%CP%;path-to-jar\activiation.jar
    	set CP=%CP%;path-to-jar\mail.jar

If you run jetty.sh, then after line 434 of jetty.sh, add the following two lines:


Deploying Apache-SOAP on Jetty:

Apache SOAP is deployed as a web application.

The Apache SOAP distribution includes a web archive at /soap-2_3/webapps/soap.war. Simply copy this web archive into Jetty's webapps directory (i.e. %jetty_home%/webapps). When you re-start Jetty, Jetty will unpack the war file and create a web application context for SOAP. Note: this assumes you specify a configuration file, such as etc\jetty.xml, that does the unpack and initialize. The xml\demo.xml and xml\admin.xml configuration files do not do this.

Accessing the Apache SOAP context:

You should be able to deploy services by pointing a browser to


where hostname is the host on which Jetty is running and port is the port. See the User's Guide for details on the administration tool. Note: the administration tool uses JSP, so you must have Jetty configured to support JSP in order to use the administration tool. The SOAP end-point for invoking services on this server is:


Happy SOAP-ing!