Using Transport Hooks

Some extensions to the Apache SOAP framework necessitate the ability to interact with the SOAP envelope just after it comes off of the wire, or just before a response goes out. To facilitate this type of interaction, Apache SOAP provide the ability to insert pluggable transport extensions into the runtime. The current instantiation of these transport extensions in the Apache SOAP framework are known as Envelope Editors.

Using Envelope Editors on the Server

To enable the enveope editor transport extensions on the server, you need to set an init-parameter called EnvelopeEditorFactory in the configuration files for the RPCRouter and MessageRouter servlets. The value of this parameter should be the fully qualified classname of a Java class which implements org.apache.soap.transport.EnvelopeEditorFactory.

Using Envelope Editors on the Client

To use your envelope editor on the client side you need to instantiate an instance of your Envelope Editor, and then create an instance of org.apache.soap.transport.FilterTransport passing it the Envelope Editor object, and an instance of the object which represents whatever transport you are communicating over (i.e. org.apache.soap.transport.http.SOAPHTTPConnection). You then need to invoke org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.setSOAPTransport(...) or org.apache.soap.messaging.Message.setSOAPTransport(...), depending upon whether you are invoking an RPC-based service or a message-oriented service, respectively, passing it your FilterTransport instance.

Creating an Envelope Editor

To create an Envelope Editor, you must first create an Envelope Editor Factory by implementing the org.apache.soap.transport.EnvelopeEditorFactory interface:

public interface EnvelopeEditorFactory
public EnvelopeEditor create(Properties props) throws SOAPException;

The create method takes in a java.util.Properties object which contains properties which, in the case of the HTTP servlets, were passed in from the servlet init-parameters.

To create an Envelope Editor, you need to implement the org.apache.soap.transport.EnvelopeEditor interface:

public interface EnvelopeEditor
public void editIncoming(Reader in, Writer out) throws SOAPException;
public void editOutgoing(Reader in, Writer out) throws SOAPException;

The two methods are the routines which are called when an incoming message is received and when an outgoing message is ready to be sent, respectively.

The class org.apache.soap.transport.EnvelopeEditorAdapter contains a sample Envelope Editor.

Last updated 5/23/2001 by Bill Nagy <>.