Apache-SOAP Version 2.0: Installing the Server-Side Under WebLogic Application Server 5.1

IMPORTANT: WebLogic comes with an XML parser. So, you must edit startWeblogic.cmd or startWeblogic.sh in the weblogic root directory and put xerces.jar at the BEGINNING of WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH environment variable.

If you run startWeblogic.cmd, then add following at the beginning of WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH setting at line 74:


If you run startWeblogic.sh, add the following to PRE_CLASSPATH setting at line 33:


The easiest way to set up for WebLogic is to:

1. Copy the path-to-apache-soap/webapps/soap directory into path-to-weblogic-root/myserver/public_html directory. After copying the directory structure looks like path-to-weblogic/myserver/public_html/soap/WEB-INF etc.

2. Add the following two lines to weblogic.properties file - weblogic.httpd.register.soap/servlet/rpcrouter=org.apache.soap.server.http.RPCRouterServlet weblogic.httpd.initArgs.soap/servlet/rpcrouter=ServicesStore=DeployedServices.ds

If you want to run the samples from Apache-SOAP make sure to add to WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH or PRE_CLASSPATH as explained above.

You should be able to deploy services by pointing a browser to


where hostname is the host on which WebLogic is running and port is the port. See the User's Guide for details on the administration tool. The SOAP end-point for invoking services on this server is:


Happy SOAP-ing!