~~ ~~ ~~ Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation ~~ ~~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ~~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ~~ You may obtain a copy of the License at ~~ ~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ~~ ~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ~~ limitations under the License. ~~ ~~ ---------- Properties ---------- Properties The following properties are available for configuring the Maven JaxMe Plugin: *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Name | Description | Example | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | bindings | Specifies a set of external binding files, which | \ | | | are being applied. Multiple bindings may be | \ | | | specified, each of which containing wildcards. | src/jaxme/*.jxb | | | | \ | | | | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | depends | Specifies additional dependencies. Typically, | \ | | | these are files, which are imported from within | \ | | | some schema, but aren't compiled themselves. | src/jaxme/*.xsi | | | The plugin uses these files within the uptodate | \ | | | check: Generated sources aren't considered | \ | | | uptodate, if an additional dependency has a more | | | | recent modification date. Multiple dependencies | | | | may be, each of which may contain wildcards. | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | extension | A boolean property, which may be used to enable | \ | | | JaxMe's vendor extensions. By default, JaxMe | true | | | is strictly compliant to the JAXB specification. | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | force | A boolean property, which disables the uptodate | \ | | | check: The value "true" will force invocation of | true | | | the binding compiler. This property is mainly | \ | | | useful when developing the generator itself. | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | packageName | Specifies the package name, in which the | \ | | | generated sources are being placed. The | com.foo.bar | | | preferred way of specifying a package name is | \ | | | within the jaxb:schemaBindings tag in the | | | | schema itself. | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | produces | Specifies a set of files, which are being | \ | | | produces. Using these property enables the | \ | | | uptodate check: The generator will compare the | build/jaxme/**/* | | | modification dates of the input files (given by | \ | | | the "schema" and "depends" properties) with the | \ | | | output files, given by "produces". This property | | | | is also used, if "removeOldOutput" is set to | | | | true, in which case it specifies the set of | | | | files, which are being deleted. Multiple | | | | "produces" elements may be specified, each of | | | | which may contain wildcards. | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | properties | Specifies properties, which are being set on the | \ | | | generator object. | \foo\ | | | | \bar\ | | | | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | readOnly | Specifies, whether the generated files are being | \ | | | made read-only. | true | | | | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | removingOldOutput | Specifies, whether generated files are being | \ | | | removed before invoking the generator. This is | true | | | useful, if you have elder sources floating | \| | | around, which are no longer compilable. On the | | | | other hand, a simple "mvn clean" will do the | | | | same trick, so you probably can do very well | | | | without "removingOldOutput". | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | resourceTarget | Sets the target directory, in which generated | \ | | | Java sources are being created. Defaults to | target/src-resource | | | "${project.build.directory}/jaxme/resource". | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | schemaReader | By default, the generator will use an instance | \ | | | org.apache.ws.jaxme.generator.sg.impl.JAXBSchemaReader | com.foo.MySchemaReader | | | for processing its input files. If the | \ | | | "extension" property is set, then the default | | | | changes to | | | | org.apache.ws.jaxme.generator.sg.impl.JaxMeSchemaReader. | | | | But the "schemaReader" option allows you to have | | | | a completely different schema reader class. | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | schemas | Specifies the set of input schemata, which are | \ | | | being processed by the generator. You may have | \ | | | multiple "schema" elements, each of which | src/jaxme/*.xsd | | | containing wildcard characters. The default | \ | | | "src/jaxme/*.xsd" is used, if you do not specify | \ | | | any "schemas" element. | | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | sgFactoryChain | An instance of SGFactoryChain is an object, | \ | | | which modifies the source generators behaviour. | \ | | | Multiple "sgFactoryChain" elements may be used, | com.foo.MyChain | | | each containing the fully qualified class name | \ | | | of another chain. | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | target | Sets the target directory, in which generated | \ | | | Java sources are being created. Defaults to | target/src-gen | | | "${project.build.directory}/jaxme/java". | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | validating | By default, the XML schema files are being read | \ | | | with a non-validating parser. Setting this | true | | | property to "true" turns on validation. | \ | *-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+