Feature Goals for Planet 1.0 ============================ * Store and use feed history We have a huge problem at the moment, in that we only display the current contents of the feeds we download. The old Netscape standard was 15 items in a feed, so many people still use that. Unfortunately, on sites like Slashdot, those 15 items move *very* quickly. So as they fall off the feed, they fall off your Planet aggregate. That is bad, bad, bad, and we need to solve it. Any ideas? There are potential bugs all over this. :-) * Add multiple keyword support I hadn't announced it yet, but I have added a simple 'keyword feeds' feature, which allows you to subscribe to feeds and only display items that mention your keyword in the title, summary or description. This is totally arse-kickingly rad, and demonstrated on my personal Planet. However, currently it only allows you to define one keyword phrase for each feed, which kinda sucks. If there's some quick-and-dirty boolean phrase parser, we could use it really well here, for instance: keyword = (gnome OR kde) NOT sucks Maybe that's overkill - we could just support multiple ORed keyword fields. * Fix stupid UTF-8 error with current keyword support For some reason, keyword support tweaks string encoding errors, such as: "WARNING:root:Item wasn't in UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, replaced all non-ASCII characters." This is bad. * Allow templates to use extra feed elements See Frederic's thread about Freshmeat the other day. I don't want to special case everything, and I don't want to stomp on item variables we already have, but it would be nice to bring special things from feeds up into the template data structure. Should we only do this for namespaced elements (extensions)? * Fix intermittent timezone detection / arithmetic bugs From Nick Moffitt: "Right now there's something screwy in the way planet deals with time zones, so that all you Australians end up claiming the top of my planet while merkins I want to read end up shoved down a ways." * Allow display normalisation to specified timezone Some Planet admins would like their feed to be displayed in the local timezone, instead of UTC. * Add "sort by entry received date" option From Nick Moffitt: "Is there a way to get planet to not do entry-date placement at all? Like, always put new entries up in the order they were first seen by planet? I use mine to implement the "show me stuff I haven't already read yet" feature that pretty much all Web sites lack. Answer from Scott J. Remnant: "Yeah, this would be actually pretty easy ... it already has this code for entries missing times entirely, I'll add a config option to just outright ignore feed times and sort by seen order. I'll make it a per-feed option, maybe "sort_order = seen/time" and if you want it global just stick it in [DEFAULT]." * Support OPML and foaf subscriptions This might be a bit invasive, but I want to be able to subscribe to OPML and FOAF files, and see each feed as if it were subscribed individually. Perhaps we can do this with a two-pass configuration scheme, first to pull the static configs, second to go fetch and generate the dynamic configs. The more I think about it, the less invasive it sounds. Hmm. * Provide a 'disabled' configuration option Make it easy to mark a feed as disabled, but still show it on the subs list. Perhaps disabled is the wrong word. Some people want to use Planet to do their blogroll management, but not actually show some feeds in the aggregation. If someone can think of a better word, please tell me. Perhaps 'hide'. Other Feature Goals =================== * Port to feedparser 3.0