/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ options { STATIC = false; FORCE_LA_CHECK=false; UNICODE_INPUT=true; } PARSER_BEGIN(XMLQuery) package org.apache.vxquery.xmlquery.query; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.vxquery.xmlquery.ast.*; import org.apache.vxquery.context.*; import org.apache.vxquery.exceptions.*; import org.apache.vxquery.util.SourceLocation; import java.math.*; import java.util.*; public class XMLQuery { boolean m_isMatchPattern = false; private String sourceName; Stack _elementStack = new Stack(); Stack binaryTokenStack = new Stack(); private List exceptions = new ArrayList(); private SourceLocation createSourceLocation(Token t) { return new SourceLocation(sourceName, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn); } private QNameNode createQName(Token t) { QNameNode qname = new QNameNode(createSourceLocation(t)); int idx = t.image.indexOf(':'); String prefix = ""; String local = t.image; if (idx >= 0) { prefix = t.image.substring(0, idx); local = t.image.substring(idx + 1); } qname.setPrefix(prefix); qname.setLocalName(local); return qname; } private NCNameNode createNCName(Token t) { NCNameNode ncname = new NCNameNode(createSourceLocation(t)); ncname.setName(t.image); return ncname; } private InfixExprNode createInfixExpr(Token t, ASTNode left, ASTNode right, InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op) { InfixExprNode ie = new InfixExprNode(createSourceLocation(t)); ie.setLeftExpr(left); ie.setRightExpr(right); ie.setOperator(op); return ie; } private TypeExprNode createTypeExpr(Token t, ASTNode expr, ASTNode type, TypeExprNode.TypeOperator op) { TypeExprNode te = new TypeExprNode(createSourceLocation(t)); te.setExpr(expr); te.setType(type); te.setOperator(op); return te; } public void setSourceName(String sourceName) { this.sourceName = sourceName; } public List getExceptions() { return exceptions; } } PARSER_END(XMLQuery) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { public Stack stateStack = new Stack(); static final int PARENMARKER = 2000; public int offset = 0; void CommonTokenAction(Token t) {} /** * Push the current state onto the state stack. */ private void pushState() { stateStack.addElement(curLexState); } /** * Push the given state onto the state stack. * @param state Must be a valid state. */ private void pushState(int state) { stateStack.push(state); } /** * Pop the state on the state stack, and switch to that state. */ private void popState() { if (stateStack.size() == 0) { printLinePos(); } int nextState = stateStack.pop(); if(nextState == PARENMARKER) printLinePos(); SwitchTo(nextState); } /** * Push the given state onto the state stack. * @param state Must be a valid state. */ private boolean isState(int state) { for (int i = 0; i < stateStack.size(); i++) { if(stateStack.elementAt(i) == state) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Push a parenthesis state. This pushes, in addition to the * lexical state value, a special marker that lets * resetParenStateOrSwitch(int state) * know if it should pop and switch. Used for the comma operator. */ private void pushParenState(int commaState, int rparState) { stateStack.push(rparState); stateStack.push(commaState); stateStack.push(PARENMARKER); SwitchTo(commaState); } /** * Print the current line position. */ public void printLinePos() { System.err.println("Line: " + input_stream.getEndLine()); } } ModuleNode CUnit() : { ModuleNode module; } { module = Module() { return module; } } ModuleNode Module() : { VersionDeclNode verDecl = null; ModuleNode module; } { [LOOKAHEAD(2) verDecl = VersionDecl()] (LOOKAHEAD(2) module = LibraryModule(verDecl) | module = MainModule(verDecl)) { return module; } } VersionDeclNode VersionDecl() : { Token ver; Token enc = null; Token start; } { start = "xquery" "version" ver = ["encoding" enc = ] Separator() { VersionDeclNode result = new VersionDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); result.setVersion(ver.image); result.setEncoding(enc == null ? null : enc.image); return result; } } ModuleNode MainModule(VersionDeclNode verDecl) : { SourceLocation srcLoc; PrologNode prolog = null; QueryBodyNode qBody = null; } { prolog = Prolog() qBody = QueryBody() { if (verDecl != null) { srcLoc = verDecl.getSourceLocation(); } else if (prolog != null) { srcLoc = prolog.getSourceLocation(); } else { srcLoc = qBody.getSourceLocation(); } MainModuleNode module = new MainModuleNode(srcLoc); module.setProlog(prolog); module.setQueryBody(qBody); return module; } } ModuleNode LibraryModule(VersionDeclNode verDecl) : { ModuleDeclNode moduleDecl; PrologNode prolog; } { moduleDecl = ModuleDecl() prolog = Prolog() { LibraryModuleNode module = new LibraryModuleNode(moduleDecl.getSourceLocation()); module.setModuleDecl(moduleDecl); module.setProlog(prolog); return module; } } ModuleDeclNode ModuleDecl() : { Token start; NCNameNode prefix; String uri; } { start = "module" "namespace" prefix = NCName() "=" uri = URILiteral() Separator() { ModuleDeclNode moduleDecl = new ModuleDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); moduleDecl.setPrefix(prefix.getName()); moduleDecl.setTargetNS(uri); return moduleDecl; } } PrologNode Prolog() : { List decls = new ArrayList(); ASTNode decl; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( LOOKAHEAD(3) decl = DefaultNamespaceDecl() { decls.add(decl); } | LOOKAHEAD(3) decl = Setter() { decls.add(decl); } | LOOKAHEAD(2) decl = NamespaceDecl() { decls.add(decl); } | decl = Import() { decls.add(decl); } ) Separator() )* ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( LOOKAHEAD(2) decl = VarDecl() { decls.add(decl); } | LOOKAHEAD(2) decl = FunctionDecl() { decls.add(decl); } | LOOKAHEAD(2) decl = OptionDecl() { decls.add(decl); } | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTOptionDecl() { } ) Separator() )* { if (decls.isEmpty()) { return null; } PrologNode prolog = new PrologNode(decls.get(0).getSourceLocation()); prolog.setDecls(decls); return prolog; } } ASTNode Setter() : { ASTNode result; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) result = BoundarySpaceDecl() | LOOKAHEAD(3) result = DefaultCollationDecl() | LOOKAHEAD(2) result = BaseURIDecl() | LOOKAHEAD(2) result = ConstructionDecl() | LOOKAHEAD(2) result = OrderingModeDecl() | LOOKAHEAD(3) result = EmptyOrderDecl() | result = CopyNamespacesDecl() ) { return result; } } ASTNode Import(): { ASTNode result; } { (LOOKAHEAD(2) result = SchemaImport() | result = ModuleImport()) { return result; } } void Separator(): {} { ";" } ASTNode NamespaceDecl() : { Token start; NCNameNode prefix; String uri; } { start = "declare" "namespace" prefix = NCName() "=" uri = URILiteral() { NamespaceDeclNode result = new NamespaceDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); result.setPrefix(prefix.getName()); result.setUri(uri); return result; } } ASTNode BoundarySpaceDecl() : { Token start; Token p = null; } { start = "declare" "boundary-space" (p = "preserve" | "strip") { BoundarySpaceDeclNode result = new BoundarySpaceDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); result.setMode(p == null ? StaticContext.BoundarySpaceProperty.STRIP : StaticContext.BoundarySpaceProperty.PRESERVE); return result; } } ASTNode DefaultNamespaceDecl() : { Token start; Token e = null; String uri; } { start = "declare" "default" (e = "element" | "function") "namespace" uri = URILiteral() { if (e != null) { DefaultElementNamespaceDeclNode result = new DefaultElementNamespaceDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); result.setUri(uri); return result; } else { DefaultFunctionNamespaceDeclNode result = new DefaultFunctionNamespaceDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); result.setUri(uri); return result; } } } ASTNode OptionDecl() : { Token start; QNameNode qname; Token value; } { start = "declare" "option" qname = QName() value = { OptionDeclNode option = new OptionDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); option.setName(qname); option.setValue(value.image); return option; } } void FTOptionDecl() : {} { "declare" "ft-option" FTMatchOptions() } ASTNode OrderingModeDecl() : { Token o = null; Token start; } { start = "declare" "ordering" (o = "ordered" | "unordered") { OrderingModeDeclNode oDecl = new OrderingModeDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); oDecl.setMode(o == null ? StaticContext.OrderingModeProperty.UNORDERED : StaticContext.OrderingModeProperty.ORDERED); return oDecl; } } ASTNode EmptyOrderDecl() : { Token start; Token g = null; } { start = "declare" "default" "order" "empty" (g = | ) { EmptyOrderDeclNode eDecl = new EmptyOrderDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); eDecl.setMode(g == null ? StaticContext.EmptyOrderProperty.LEAST : StaticContext.EmptyOrderProperty.GREATEST); return eDecl; } } ASTNode CopyNamespacesDecl() : { boolean preserve; boolean inherit; Token start; } { start = "declare" "copy-namespaces" preserve = PreserveMode() "," inherit = InheritMode() { CopyNamespacesDeclNode cDecl = new CopyNamespacesDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); cDecl.setMode(preserve ? ( inherit ? StaticContext.CopyNamespacesModeProperty.PRESERVE_INHERIT : StaticContext.CopyNamespacesModeProperty.PRESERVE_NOINHERIT ) : ( inherit ? StaticContext.CopyNamespacesModeProperty.NOPRESERVE_INHERIT : StaticContext.CopyNamespacesModeProperty.NOPRESERVE_NOINHERIT)); return cDecl; } } boolean PreserveMode() : {} { "preserve" { return true; } | "no-preserve" { return false; } } boolean InheritMode() : {} { "inherit" { return true; } | "no-inherit" { return false; } } ASTNode DefaultCollationDecl() : { Token start; String defaultCollation; } { start = "declare" "default" "collation" defaultCollation = URILiteral() { DefaultCollationDeclNode dDecl = new DefaultCollationDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); dDecl.setCollation(defaultCollation); return dDecl; } } ASTNode BaseURIDecl() : { Token start; String uri; } { start = "declare" "base-uri" uri = URILiteral() { BaseUriDeclNode bDecl = new BaseUriDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); bDecl.setUri(uri); return bDecl; } } ASTNode SchemaImport() : { Token start; String[] prefix = null; String targetNS; String location; List locations = new ArrayList(); } { start = "import" "schema" [prefix = SchemaPrefix()] targetNS = URILiteral() [ "at" location = URILiteral() { locations.add(location); } ( "," location = URILiteral() { locations.add(location); } )* ] { SchemaImportNode si = new SchemaImportNode(createSourceLocation(start)); if (prefix != null) { si.setPrefix(prefix[0]); } else { si.setDefaultElementNamespace(true); } si.setTargetNS(targetNS); si.setLocations(locations); return si; } } String[] SchemaPrefix() : { NCNameNode prefix = null; } { (("namespace" prefix = NCName() "=") | ("default" "element" "namespace")) { return new String[] { prefix == null ? null : prefix.getName() }; } } ASTNode ModuleImport() : { Token start; NCNameNode prefix = null; String targetNS; List locations = new ArrayList(); String location; } { start = "import" "module" ["namespace" prefix = NCName() "="] targetNS = URILiteral() [ "at" location = URILiteral() { locations.add(location); } ( "," location = URILiteral() { locations.add(location); } )* ] { ModuleImportNode mi = new ModuleImportNode(createSourceLocation(start)); mi.setPrefix(prefix == null ? null : prefix.getName()); mi.setTargetNS(targetNS); mi.setLocations(locations); return mi; } } ASTNode VarDecl() : { Token start; QNameNode name; TypeDeclNode type = null; ASTNode expr = null; } { start = "declare" "variable" "$" name = QName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] ( (":=" expr = ExprSingle()) | ) { VarDeclNode vDecl = new VarDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); vDecl.setName(name); vDecl.setType(type); vDecl.setValue(expr); return vDecl; } } ASTNode ConstructionDecl() : { Token start; Token s = null; } { start = "declare" "construction" (s = "strip" | "preserve") { ConstructionDeclNode cDecl = new ConstructionDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); cDecl.setMode(s == null ? StaticContext.ConstructionModeProperty.PRESERVE : StaticContext.ConstructionModeProperty.STRIP); return cDecl; } } ASTNode FunctionDecl() : { Token start; QNameNode name; List params = new ArrayList(); SequenceTypeNode rType = null; ASTNode body = null; } { start = "declare" "function" name = QName() "(" [ParamList(params)] ")" ["as" rType = SequenceType()] (body = EnclosedExpr() | ) { FunctionDeclNode fDecl = new FunctionDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); fDecl.setName(name); fDecl.setParameters(params); fDecl.setReturnType(rType); fDecl.setBody(body); return fDecl; } } void ParamList(List params): { ParamNode var = null; } { var = Param() { params.add(var); } ("," var = Param() { params.add(var); })* } ParamNode Param() : { QNameNode qname; TypeDeclNode type = null; Token start; } { start = "$" qname = QName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] { ParamNode var = new ParamNode(createSourceLocation(start)); var.setName(qname); var.setType(type); return var; } } ASTNode EnclosedExpr() : { ASTNode expr; Token start; } { (start = | start = ) expr = Expr() { EnclosedExprNode ee = new EnclosedExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); ee.setExpression(expr); return ee; } } QueryBodyNode QueryBody() : { ASTNode expr; } { expr = Expr() { QueryBodyNode qb = new QueryBodyNode(expr.getSourceLocation()); qb.setExpression(expr); return qb; } } ExprNode Expr() : { List eList = new ArrayList(); ASTNode e; } { e = ExprSingle() { eList.add(e); } ( "," e = ExprSingle() { eList.add(e); } )* { ExprNode expr = new ExprNode(eList.get(0).getSourceLocation()); expr.setExpressions(eList); return expr; } } ASTNode ExprSingle(): { ASTNode expr; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = FLWORExpr() | LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = QuantifiedExpr() | LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = TypeswitchExpr() | LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = IfExpr() | expr = OrExpr() ) { return expr; } } ASTNode FLWORExpr() : { List clauses = new ArrayList(); ASTNode rExpr; } { ((ForClause(clauses) | LetClause(clauses)))+ [WhereClause(clauses)] [OrderByClause(clauses)] "return" rExpr = ExprSingle() { FLWORExprNode flwor = new FLWORExprNode(clauses.get(0).getSourceLocation()); flwor.setClauses(clauses); flwor.setReturnExpr(rExpr); return flwor; } } void ForClause(List clauses) : { QNameNode forVarName; TypeDeclNode type = null; QNameNode posVarName = null; QNameNode scoreVarName = null; ASTNode sequence; List fors = new ArrayList(); Token start; } { start = "for" "$" forVarName = VarName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] [posVarName = PositionalVar()] [scoreVarName = FTScoreVar()] "in" sequence = ExprSingle() { ForVarDeclNode fvd = new ForVarDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); fvd.setForVar(forVarName); fvd.setType(type); fvd.setSequence(sequence); fvd.setPosVar(posVarName); fvd.setScoreVar(scoreVarName); fors.add(fvd); } ( { type = null; posVarName = null; scoreVarName = null; } "," start = "$" forVarName = VarName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] [posVarName = PositionalVar()] [scoreVarName = FTScoreVar()] "in" sequence = ExprSingle() { fvd = new ForVarDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); fvd.setForVar(forVarName); fvd.setType(type); fvd.setSequence(sequence); fvd.setPosVar(posVarName); fvd.setScoreVar(scoreVarName); fors.add(fvd); } )* { ForClauseNode fc = new ForClauseNode(fors.get(0).getSourceLocation()); fc.setVariables(fors); clauses.add(fc); } } QNameNode PositionalVar() : { QNameNode qname; } { "at" "$" qname = VarName() { return qname; } } QNameNode FTScoreVar() : { QNameNode qname; } { "score" "$" qname = VarName() { return qname; } } void LetClause(List clauses) : { QNameNode letVarName = null; QNameNode scoreVarName = null; TypeDeclNode type = null; ASTNode sequence; Token start; List lets = new ArrayList(); } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( start = "let" "$" letVarName = VarName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] ) | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( start = "let" "score" "$" scoreVarName = VarName() ) ) ":=" sequence = ExprSingle() { LetVarDeclNode lvd = new LetVarDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); lvd.setLetVar(letVarName); lvd.setScoreVar(scoreVarName); lvd.setType(type); lvd.setSequence(sequence); lets.add(lvd); } ( { letVarName = null; scoreVarName = null; type = null; start = null; } "," ( (start = "$" letVarName = VarName() [type = TypeDeclaration()]) | scoreVarName = FTScoreVar() ) ":=" sequence = ExprSingle() { lvd = new LetVarDeclNode(start == null ? scoreVarName.getSourceLocation() : createSourceLocation(start)); lvd.setLetVar(letVarName); lvd.setScoreVar(scoreVarName); lvd.setType(type); lvd.setSequence(sequence); lets.add(lvd); } )* { LetClauseNode lc = new LetClauseNode(lets.get(0).getSourceLocation()); lc.setVariables(lets); clauses.add(lc); } } void WhereClause(List clauses) : { ASTNode expr; Token start; } { start = "where" expr = ExprSingle() { WhereClauseNode wc = new WhereClauseNode(createSourceLocation(start)); wc.setCondition(expr); clauses.add(wc); } } void OrderByClause(List clauses) : { Token stable = null; List osList; Token start = null; } { ( (start = "order" "by") | (stable = "stable" "order" "by")) osList = OrderSpecList() { if (start == null) { start = stable; } OrderbyClauseNode oc = new OrderbyClauseNode(createSourceLocation(start)); oc.setStable(stable != null); oc.setOrderSpec(osList); clauses.add(oc); } } List OrderSpecList() : { List osList = new ArrayList(); OrderSpecNode os; } { os = OrderSpec() { osList.add(os); } ( "," os = OrderSpec() { osList.add(os); } )* { return osList; } } OrderSpecNode OrderSpec() : { ASTNode expr; OrderSpecNode os; } { expr = ExprSingle() { os = new OrderSpecNode(expr.getSourceLocation()); os.setExpression(expr); } OrderModifier(os) { return os; } } void OrderModifier(OrderSpecNode os) : { Token desc = null; Token greatest = null; Token least = null; String collation = null; } { [( | desc = )] ["empty" (greatest = | least = )] ["collation" collation = URILiteral()] { os.setDirection(desc != null ? XQueryConstants.OrderDirection.DESCENDING : XQueryConstants.OrderDirection.ASCENDING); os.setEmptyOrder(greatest != null ? StaticContext.EmptyOrderProperty.GREATEST : (least != null ? StaticContext.EmptyOrderProperty.LEAST : null)); os.setCollation(collation); } } QuantifiedExprNode QuantifiedExpr() : { Token some = null; Token every = null; Token start; QNameNode varName; TypeDeclNode type = null; ASTNode expr; ASTNode satExpr; List quantVars = new ArrayList(); } { (some = "some" | every = "every") start = "$" varName = VarName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] "in" expr = ExprSingle() { QuantifiedVarDeclNode qv = new QuantifiedVarDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); qv.setVariable(varName); qv.setType(type); qv.setSequence(expr); quantVars.add(qv); } ( { type = null; } "," "$" varName = VarName() [type = TypeDeclaration()] "in" expr = ExprSingle() { qv = new QuantifiedVarDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); qv.setVariable(varName); qv.setType(type); qv.setSequence(expr); quantVars.add(qv); } )* "satisfies" satExpr = ExprSingle() { QuantifiedExprNode qe = new QuantifiedExprNode(createSourceLocation(some != null ? some : every)); qe.setQuant(some != null ? QuantifiedExprNode.QuantifierType.SOME : QuantifiedExprNode.QuantifierType.EVERY); qe.setVariables(quantVars); qe.setSatisfiesExpr(satExpr); return qe; } } ASTNode TypeswitchExpr(): { QNameNode varName = null; ASTNode switchExpr; ASTNode defaultExpr; List cases = new ArrayList(); Token start; } { start = "typeswitch" "(" switchExpr = Expr() ")" (CaseClause(cases))+ "default" ["$" varName = VarName()] "return" defaultExpr = ExprSingle() { TypeswitchExprNode te = new TypeswitchExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); te.setSwitchExpr(switchExpr); te.setCaseClauses(cases); te.setDefaultVar(varName); te.setDefaultClause(defaultExpr); return te; } } void CaseClause(List cases) : { QNameNode varName = null; ASTNode expr; SequenceTypeNode type; Token start; } { start = "case" ["$" varName = VarName() "as"] type = SequenceType() "return" expr = ExprSingle() { CaseClauseNode cc = new CaseClauseNode(createSourceLocation(start)); cc.setCaseVar(varName); cc.setType(type); cc.setValueExpr(expr); cases.add(cc); } } ASTNode IfExpr() : { ASTNode cond; ASTNode thenExpr; ASTNode elseExpr; Token start; } { start = "if" "(" cond = Expr() ")" "then" thenExpr = ExprSingle() "else" elseExpr = ExprSingle() { IfExprNode ie = new IfExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); ie.setIfExpr(cond); ie.setThenExpr(thenExpr); ie.setElseExpr(elseExpr); return ie; } } ASTNode OrExpr() : { ASTNode result; ASTNode temp; Token start; } { result = AndExpr() ( start = "or" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); } temp = AndExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.OR); } )* { return result; } } ASTNode AndExpr(): { ASTNode result; ASTNode temp; Token start; } { result = ComparisonExpr() ( start = "and" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); } temp = ComparisonExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.AND); } )* { return result; } } ASTNode ComparisonExpr(): { ASTNode result; ASTNode temp; Pair opPair; } { result = FTContainsExpr() ( ( opPair = ValueComp() | opPair = GeneralComp() | opPair = NodeComp() ) temp = FTContainsExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(opPair.getLeft(), result, temp, opPair.getRight()); } )? { return result; } } // TODO - Not yet implemented. ASTNode FTContainsExpr(): { ASTNode result; } { result = RangeExpr() ( "ftcontains" FTSelection() [FTIgnoreOption()] )? { return result; } } ASTNode RangeExpr() : { ASTNode result; ASTNode temp; Token start; } { result = AdditiveExpr() ( start = "to" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); } temp = AdditiveExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.RANGE); } )? { return result; } } ASTNode AdditiveExpr(): { ASTNode result; ASTNode temp; InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op; Token start; } { result = MultiplicativeExpr() ( ( start = { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.PLUS; } | start = { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.MINUS; } ) temp = MultiplicativeExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, op); } )* { return result; } } ASTNode MultiplicativeExpr(): { ASTNode result = null; ASTNode temp; InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op; Token start; } { result = UnionExpr() ( ( start = "*" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.MULTIPLY; } | start = "div" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.DIV; } | start = "idiv" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.IDIV; } | start = "mod" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.MOD; } ) temp = UnionExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, op); } )* { return result; } } ASTNode UnionExpr(): { ASTNode result = null; ASTNode temp; Token start; } { result = IntersectExceptExpr() ( ( start = "union" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); } | start = "|" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); } ) temp = IntersectExceptExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.UNION); } )* { return result; } } ASTNode IntersectExceptExpr(): { ASTNode result = null; ASTNode temp; InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op; Token start; } { result = InstanceofExpr() ( ( start = "intersect" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.INTERSECT; } | start = "except" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.EXCEPT; } ) temp = InstanceofExpr() { result = createInfixExpr(start, result, temp, op); } )* { return result; } } ASTNode InstanceofExpr(): { ASTNode result; SequenceTypeNode type; Token start; } { result = TreatExpr() ( start = "instance" "of" type = SequenceType() { result = createTypeExpr(start, result, type, TypeExprNode.TypeOperator.INSTANCEOF); } )? { return result; } } ASTNode TreatExpr(): { ASTNode result; SequenceTypeNode type; Token start; } { result = CastableExpr() ( start = "treat" "as" type = SequenceType() { result = createTypeExpr(start, result, type, TypeExprNode.TypeOperator.TREAT); } )? { return result; } } ASTNode CastableExpr(): { ASTNode result; SingleTypeNode type; Token start; } { result = CastExpr() ( start = "castable" "as" type = SingleType() { result = createTypeExpr(start, result, type, TypeExprNode.TypeOperator.CASTABLE); } )? { return result; } } ASTNode CastExpr(): { ASTNode result; SingleTypeNode type; Token start; } { result = UnaryExpr() ( start = "cast" "as" type = SingleType() { result = createTypeExpr(start, result, type, TypeExprNode.TypeOperator.CAST); } )? { return result; } } ASTNode UnaryExpr(): { ASTNode expr; List signs = new ArrayList(); Token start = null; } { ( start = { signs.add(UnaryExprNode.Sign.MINUS); } | start = { signs.add(UnaryExprNode.Sign.PLUS); } )* expr = ValueExpr() { if (start != null) { UnaryExprNode ue = new UnaryExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); ue.setSigns(signs); ue.setExpr(expr); expr = ue; } return expr; } } ASTNode ValueExpr(): { ASTNode expr; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = ValidateExpr() | expr = PathExpr() | expr = ExtensionExpr() ) { return expr; } } Pair GeneralComp(): { Token start; InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op; } { ( start = "=" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.GENERAL_EQ; } | start = "!=" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.GENERAL_NE; } | start = { /* Careful! */ token_source.SwitchTo(DEFAULT); token_source.stateStack.pop(); binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.GENERAL_LT; } | start = "<=" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.GENERAL_LE; } | start = ">" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.GENERAL_GT; } | start = ">=" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.GENERAL_GE; } ) { return Pair. of(start, op); } } Pair ValueComp(): { Token start; InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op; } { ( start = "eq" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.VALUE_EQ; } | start = "ne" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.VALUE_NE; } | start = "lt" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.VALUE_LT; } | start = "le" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.VALUE_LE; } | start = "gt" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.VALUE_GT; } | start = "ge" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.VALUE_GE; } ) { return Pair. of(start, op); } } Pair NodeComp(): { Token start; InfixExprNode.InfixOperator op; } { ( start = "is" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.IS; } | start = "<<" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.PRECEDES; } | start = ">>" { binaryTokenStack.push(token); op = InfixExprNode.InfixOperator.FOLLOWS; } ) { return Pair. of(start, op); } } ASTNode ValidateExpr() : { ASTNode expr; XQueryConstants.ValidationMode mode = null; Token start; } { start = "validate" [mode = ValidationMode()] expr = Expr() { ValidateExprNode ve = new ValidateExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); ve.setMode(mode); ve.setExpr(expr); return ve; } } XQueryConstants.ValidationMode ValidationMode() : { Token l = null; } { (l = "lax" | "strict") { return l != null ? XQueryConstants.ValidationMode.LAX : XQueryConstants.ValidationMode.STRICT; } } ASTNode ExtensionExpr() : { ASTNode expr = null; PragmaNode pragma; List pragmas = new ArrayList(); } { ( pragma = Pragma() { pragmas.add(pragma); } )+ [expr = Expr()] { ExtensionExprNode ee = new ExtensionExprNode(pragmas.get(0).getSourceLocation()); ee.setPragmas(pragmas); ee.setExpr(expr); return ee; } } PragmaNode Pragma() : { Token qTok; String str = null; Token start; } { start = [] qTok = [ str = PragmaContents()] { PragmaNode p = new PragmaNode(createSourceLocation(start)); p.setQname(createQName(qTok)); p.setPragmaValue(str); return p; } } String PragmaContents() : { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { ( t = { buffer.append(t.image); } )* { return buffer.toString(); } } ASTNode PathExpr(): { List paths = null; Token s = null; Token ss = null; } { ( s = [LOOKAHEAD(1) paths = RelativePathExpr()] | ss = paths = RelativePathExpr() | paths = RelativePathExpr() ) { SourceLocation loc = null; XQueryConstants.PathType pType; if (s != null) { loc = createSourceLocation(s); pType = XQueryConstants.PathType.SLASH; } else if (ss != null) { loc = createSourceLocation(ss); pType = XQueryConstants.PathType.SLASH_SLASH; } else { loc = paths.get(0).getSourceLocation(); pType = null; } PathExprNode pe = new PathExprNode(loc); pe.setPathType(pType); pe.setPaths(paths); return pe; } } List RelativePathExpr(): { ASTNode expr; Token start; XQueryConstants.PathType sep; List paths = new ArrayList(); } { expr = StepExpr() { RelativePathExprNode rp = new RelativePathExprNode(expr.getSourceLocation()); rp.setPath(expr); paths.add(rp); } ( ( start = { sep = XQueryConstants.PathType.SLASH; } | start = { sep = XQueryConstants.PathType.SLASH_SLASH; } ) expr = StepExpr() { rp = new RelativePathExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); rp.setPath(expr); rp.setPathType(sep); paths.add(rp); } )* { return paths; } } ASTNode StepExpr(): { ASTNode expr; } { LOOKAHEAD(3) expr = FilterExpr() { return expr; } | expr = AxisStep() { return expr; } } ASTNode AxisStep() : { AxisStepNode axis; List predicates; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) axis = ReverseStep() | axis = ForwardStep() ) predicates = PredicateList() { axis.setPredicates(predicates); return axis; } } AxisStepNode ForwardStep(): { Pair aPair; AxisStepNode expr; ASTNode nt; } { LOOKAHEAD(2) aPair = ForwardAxis() nt = NodeTest() { AxisStepNode as = new AxisStepNode(createSourceLocation(aPair.getLeft())); as.setAxis(aPair.getRight()); as.setNodeTest(nt); return as; } | expr = AbbrevForwardStep() { return expr; } } Pair ForwardAxis() : { AxisStepNode.Axis axis; Token t; } { ( t = "child" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.CHILD; } | t = "descendant" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.DESCENDANT; } | t = "attribute" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.ATTRIBUTE; } | t = "self" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.SELF; } | t = "descendant-or-self" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF; } | t = "following-sibling" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.FOLLOWING_SIBLING; } | t = "following" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.FOLLOWING; } ) { return Pair. of(t, axis); } } AxisStepNode AbbrevForwardStep() : { Token t = null; ASTNode nodeTest; } { [t = "@"] nodeTest = NodeTest() { AxisStepNode.Axis axis = t == null ? AxisStepNode.Axis.ABBREV : AxisStepNode.Axis.ABBREV_ATTRIBUTE; AxisStepNode as = new AxisStepNode(t != null ? createSourceLocation(t) : nodeTest.getSourceLocation()); as.setAxis(axis); as.setNodeTest(nodeTest); return as; } } AxisStepNode ReverseStep() : { Pair aPair; ASTNode nt; AxisStepNode expr; } { aPair = ReverseAxis() nt = NodeTest() { AxisStepNode as = new AxisStepNode(createSourceLocation(aPair.getLeft())); as.setAxis(aPair.getRight()); as.setNodeTest(nt); return as; } | expr = AbbrevReverseStep() { return expr; } } Pair ReverseAxis() : { AxisStepNode.Axis axis; Token t; } { ( t = "parent" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.PARENT; } | t = "ancestor" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.ANCESTOR; } | t = "preceding-sibling" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING; } | t = "preceding" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.PRECEDING; } | t = "ancestor-or-self" "::" { axis = AxisStepNode.Axis.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF; } ) { return Pair. of(t, axis); } } AxisStepNode AbbrevReverseStep() : { Token start; } { start = ".." { AxisStepNode as = new AxisStepNode(createSourceLocation(start)); as.setAxis(AxisStepNode.Axis.DOT_DOT); return as; } } ASTNode NodeTest(): { ASTNode test; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) test = KindTest() | test = NameTest() ) { return test; } } NameTestNode NameTest() : { QNameNode name; NameTestNode nt; } { ( name = QName() { nt = new NameTestNode(name.getSourceLocation()); nt.setPrefix(name.getPrefix()); nt.setLocalName(name.getLocalName()); } | nt = Wildcard() ) { return nt; } } NameTestNode Wildcard(): { Token t; String prefix = null; String local = null; } { ( t = "*" | t = { int idx = t.image.indexOf(':'); prefix = t.image.substring(0, idx); } | t = { idx = t.image.indexOf(':'); local = t.image.substring(idx + 1); } ) { NameTestNode nt = new NameTestNode(createSourceLocation(t)); nt.setPrefix(prefix); nt.setLocalName(local); return nt; } } ASTNode FilterExpr() : { ASTNode expr; List pList; } { expr = PrimaryExpr() pList = PredicateList() { FilterExprNode fe = new FilterExprNode(expr.getSourceLocation()); fe.setExpr(expr); fe.setPredicates(pList); return fe; } } List PredicateList() : { ASTNode predicate; List predicates = new ArrayList(); } { ( predicate = Predicate() { predicates.add(predicate); } )* { return predicates; } } ASTNode Predicate() : { ASTNode expr; } { "[" expr = Expr() "]" { return expr; } } ASTNode PrimaryExpr(): { ASTNode expr; } { ( expr = Literal() | expr = VarRef() | expr = ParenthesizedExpr() | expr = ContextItemExpr() | LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = FunctionCall() | LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = OrderedExpr() | LOOKAHEAD(2) expr = UnorderedExpr() | expr = Constructor() ) { return expr; } } ASTNode Literal() : { ASTNode expr; Token t; } { expr = NumericLiteral() { return expr; } | t = { LiteralNode l = new LiteralNode(createSourceLocation(t)); l.setImage(t.image); l.setType(LiteralNode.LiteralType.STRING); return l; } } ASTNode NumericLiteral() : { Token t; LiteralNode.LiteralType type; } { ( t = { type = LiteralNode.LiteralType.INTEGER; } | t = { type = LiteralNode.LiteralType.DECIMAL; } | t = { type = LiteralNode.LiteralType.DOUBLE; } ) { LiteralNode l = new LiteralNode(createSourceLocation(t)); l.setImage(t.image); l.setType(type); return l; } } ASTNode VarRef() : { QNameNode name; Token start; } { start = "$" name = VarName() { VarRefNode vr = new VarRefNode(createSourceLocation(start)); vr.setVariable(name); return vr; } } QNameNode VarName() : { QNameNode qname; } { qname = QName() { return qname; } } ASTNode ParenthesizedExpr() : { ASTNode expr = null; Token start; } { start = "(" [expr = Expr()] ")" { ParenthesizedExprNode pe = new ParenthesizedExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); pe.setExpr(expr); return pe; } } ASTNode ContextItemExpr() : { Token start; } { start = "." { return new ContextItemExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } } ASTNode OrderedExpr() : { ASTNode expr; Token start; } { start = "ordered" expr = Expr() { OrderedExprNode ue = new OrderedExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); ue.setExpr(expr); return ue; } } ASTNode UnorderedExpr() : { ASTNode expr; Token start; } { start = "unordered" expr = Expr() { UnorderedExprNode ue = new UnorderedExprNode(createSourceLocation(start)); ue.setExpr(expr); return ue; } } ASTNode FunctionCall() : { QNameNode qname; List args = new ArrayList(); ASTNode expr; } { qname = FunctionQName() "(" [ expr = ExprSingle() { args.add(expr); } ( "," expr = ExprSingle() { args.add(expr); } )* ] ")" { FunctionExprNode fe = new FunctionExprNode(qname.getSourceLocation()); fe.setName(qname); fe.setArguments(args); return fe; } } ASTNode Constructor() : { ASTNode result; } { ( result = DirectConstructor() | result = ComputedConstructor() ) { return result; } } ASTNode DirectConstructor() : { ASTNode result; } { ( result = DirElemConstructor() | result = DirCommentConstructor() | result = DirPIConstructor() ) { return result; } } ASTNode DirElemConstructor() : { Token start; Token startName; Token endName = null; List attrs; List contents = new ArrayList(); ASTNode content; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Token bufferStart = null; Token t; } { ( start = | start = ) startName = attrs = DirAttributeList() ( | ( ( ( content = EnclosedExpr() | content = DirectConstructor() | content = CDataSection() ) { if (bufferStart != null) { ContentCharsNode c = new ContentCharsNode(createSourceLocation(bufferStart)); c.setContent(buffer.toString()); contents.add(c); buffer = new StringBuilder(); bufferStart = null; } contents.add(content); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } String ref = t.image; if ("<".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('<'); } else if (">".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('>'); } else if ("&".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('&'); } else if ("'".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('\''); } else if (""".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('"'); } } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } ref = t.image.substring(2, t.image.length() - 1); try { buffer.appendCodePoint(ref.charAt(0) == 'x' ? Integer.parseInt(ref.substring(1), 16) : Integer.parseInt(ref)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { exceptions.add(new SystemException(ErrorCode.XQST0090, createSourceLocation(t))); throw new ParseException(); } } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append("{"); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append("}"); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append(t.image); } )* endName = [] ) ) { if (bufferStart != null) { ContentCharsNode c = new ContentCharsNode(createSourceLocation(bufferStart)); c.setContent(buffer.toString()); contents.add(c); } DirectElementConstructorNode elem = new DirectElementConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); elem.setStartTagName(createQName(startName)); elem.setEndTagName(endName == null ? null : createQName(endName)); elem.setAttributes(attrs); elem.setContent(contents); return elem; } } List DirAttributeList() : { List attrs = new ArrayList(); Token name; List value; } { ( [ name = [] [] value = DirAttributeValue() { DirectAttributeConstructorNode attr = new DirectAttributeConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(name)); attr.setName(createQName(name)); attr.setValue(value); attrs.add(attr); } ] )* { return attrs; } } List DirAttributeValue(): { List contents = new ArrayList(); ASTNode content; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Token bufferStart = null; Token t; } { ( ( ( t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append('"'); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append(t.image); } | content = EnclosedExpr() { if (bufferStart != null) { ContentCharsNode c = new ContentCharsNode(createSourceLocation(bufferStart)); c.setContent(buffer.toString()); contents.add(c); buffer = new StringBuilder(); bufferStart = null; } contents.add(content); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } String ref = t.image; if ("<".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('<'); } else if (">".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('>'); } else if ("&".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('&'); } else if ("'".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('\''); } else if (""".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('"'); } } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } ref = t.image.substring(2, t.image.length() - 1); buffer.appendCodePoint(ref.charAt(0) == 'x' ? Integer.parseInt(ref.substring(1), 16) : Integer.parseInt(ref)); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append("{"); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append("}"); } )* ) | ( ( t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append('\''); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append(t.image); } | content = EnclosedExpr() { if (bufferStart != null) { ContentCharsNode c = new ContentCharsNode(createSourceLocation(bufferStart)); c.setContent(buffer.toString()); contents.add(c); buffer = new StringBuilder(); bufferStart = null; } contents.add(content); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } String ref = t.image; if ("<".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('<'); } else if (">".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('>'); } else if ("&".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('&'); } else if ("'".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('\''); } else if (""".equals(ref)) { buffer.append('"'); } } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } ref = t.image.substring(2, t.image.length() - 1); buffer.appendCodePoint(ref.charAt(0) == 'x' ? Integer.parseInt(ref.substring(1), 16) : Integer.parseInt(ref)); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append("{"); } | t = { if (bufferStart == null) { bufferStart = t; } buffer.append("}"); } )* ) ) { if (bufferStart != null) { ContentCharsNode c = new ContentCharsNode(createSourceLocation(bufferStart)); c.setContent(buffer.toString()); contents.add(c); } return contents; } } ASTNode DirCommentConstructor() : { String contents; Token start; } { (start = | start = ) contents = DirCommentContents() { DirectCommentConstructorNode c = new DirectCommentConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setContent(contents); return c; } } String DirCommentContents() : { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { ( ( t = | t = ) { buffer.append(t.image); } )* { return buffer.toString(); } } ASTNode DirPIConstructor() : { Token target; String contents = null; Token start; } { (start = | start = ) target = [ contents = DirPIContents()] { DirectPIConstructorNode n = new DirectPIConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); n.setTarget(target.image); n.setContent(contents); return n; } } String DirPIContents() : { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { ( t = { buffer.append(t.image); } )* { return buffer.toString(); } } ASTNode CDataSection() : { String contents; Token start; } { (start = | start = ) contents = CDataSectionContents() { CDataSectionNode c = new CDataSectionNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setContent(contents); return c; } } String CDataSectionContents() : { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { ( t = { buffer.append(t.image); } )* { return buffer.toString(); } } ASTNode ComputedConstructor() : { ASTNode result; } { ( result = CompDocConstructor() | result = CompElemConstructor() | result = CompAttrConstructor() | result = CompTextConstructor() | result = CompCommentConstructor() | result = CompPIConstructor() ) { return result; } } ASTNode CompDocConstructor() : { Token start; ASTNode content; } { start = "document" content = Expr() { ComputedDocumentConstructorNode c = new ComputedDocumentConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setContent(content); return c; } } ASTNode CompElemConstructor() : { Token start; ASTNode name; ASTNode content = null; } { start = "element" ( name = QName() | ( name = Expr() ) ) [content = ContentExpr()] { ComputedElementConstructorNode c = new ComputedElementConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setName(name); c.setContent(content); return c; } } ASTNode ContentExpr() : { ASTNode result; } { result = Expr() { return result; } } ASTNode CompAttrConstructor() : { Token start; ASTNode name; ASTNode value = null; } { start = "attribute" ( name = QName() | ( name = Expr() ) ) [value = Expr()] { ComputedAttributeConstructorNode c = new ComputedAttributeConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setName(name); c.setContent(value); return c; } } ASTNode CompTextConstructor() : { Token start; ASTNode value; } { start = "text" value = Expr() { ComputedTextConstructorNode c = new ComputedTextConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setContent(value); return c; } } ASTNode CompCommentConstructor() : { Token start; ASTNode value; } { start = "comment" value = Expr() { ComputedCommentConstructorNode c = new ComputedCommentConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); c.setContent(value); return c; } } ASTNode CompPIConstructor() : { Token start; ASTNode target; ASTNode content = null; } { start = "processing-instruction" ( target = NCName() | ( target = Expr() ) ) [content = Expr()] { ComputedPIConstructorNode pi = new ComputedPIConstructorNode(createSourceLocation(start)); pi.setTarget(target); pi.setContent(content); return pi; } } SingleTypeNode SingleType() : { AtomicTypeNode type; Token opt = null; } { type = AtomicType() [ opt = "?" ] { SingleTypeNode st = new SingleTypeNode(type.getSourceLocation()); st.setAtomicType(type); st.setOptional(opt != null); return st; } } TypeDeclNode TypeDeclaration() : { SequenceTypeNode type; Token start; } { start = "as" type = SequenceType() { TypeDeclNode td = new TypeDeclNode(createSourceLocation(start)); td.setType(type); return td; } } SequenceTypeNode SequenceType() : { ASTNode type; XQueryConstants.TypeQuantifier quant = null; Token start; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) (start = "empty-sequence" "(" ")") { type = new EmptySequenceTypeNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } | (type = ItemType() [LOOKAHEAD(1) quant = OccurrenceIndicator()]) ) { SequenceTypeNode st = new SequenceTypeNode(type.getSourceLocation()); st.setItemType(type); st.setQuantifier(quant); return st; } } XQueryConstants.TypeQuantifier OccurrenceIndicator() : {} { ( "?" { return XQueryConstants.TypeQuantifier.QUANT_QUESTION; } | "*" { return XQueryConstants.TypeQuantifier.QUANT_STAR; } | { return XQueryConstants.TypeQuantifier.QUANT_PLUS; } ) } ASTNode ItemType() : { ASTNode type; Token start; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) type = KindTest() | LOOKAHEAD(2) (start = "item" "(" ")") { type = new ItemTypeNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } | type = AtomicType() ) { return type; } } AtomicTypeNode AtomicType(): { QNameNode typeName; } { typeName = QName() { AtomicTypeNode at = new AtomicTypeNode(typeName.getSourceLocation()); at.setName(typeName); return at; } } ASTNode KindTest() : { ASTNode type; } { ( type = DocumentTest() | type = ElementTest() | type = AttributeTest() | type = SchemaElementTest() | type = SchemaAttributeTest() | type = PITest() | type = CommentTest() | type = TextTest() | type = AnyKindTest() ) { return type; } } ASTNode AnyKindTest() : { Token start; } { start = "node" "(" ")" { return new AnyNodeTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } } DocumentTestNode DocumentTest() : { Token start; ASTNode elementType = null; } { start = "document-node" "(" [(elementType = ElementTest() | elementType = SchemaElementTest())] ")" { DocumentTestNode dt = new DocumentTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); dt.setElementTest(elementType); return dt; } } TextTestNode TextTest() : { Token start; } { start = "text" "(" ")" { return new TextTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } } CommentTestNode CommentTest() : { Token start; } { start = "comment" "(" ")" { return new CommentTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } } PITestNode PITest() : { NCNameNode tName; String target = null; Token t; Token start; } { start = "processing-instruction" "(" [ ( tName = NCName() { target = tName.getName(); } | t = { target = t.image; } ) ] ")" { PITestNode pit = new PITestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); pit.setTarget(target); return pit; } } AttributeTestNode AttributeTest() : { NameTestNode nt = null; QNameNode contentTypeName = null; Token start; } { start = "attribute" "(" [ ( nt = AttribNameOrWildcard() [ "," contentTypeName = TypeName() ] ) ] ")" { AttributeTestNode at = new AttributeTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); at.setNameTest(nt); at.setTypeName(contentTypeName); return at; } } NameTestNode AttribNameOrWildcard() : { QNameNode name; Token start; } { ( name = AttributeName() { NameTestNode nt = new NameTestNode(name.getSourceLocation()); nt.setPrefix(name.getPrefix()); nt.setLocalName(name.getLocalName()); return nt; } | start = "*" { return new NameTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } ) } SchemaAttributeTestNode SchemaAttributeTest(): { QNameNode name; Token start; } { start = "schema-attribute" "(" name = AttributeDeclaration() ")" { SchemaAttributeTestNode sat = new SchemaAttributeTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); sat.setName(name); return sat; } } QNameNode AttributeDeclaration() : { QNameNode name; } { name = AttributeName() { return name; } } ElementTestNode ElementTest() : { NameTestNode nt = null; QNameNode contentTypeName = null; Token nilled = null; Token start; } { start = "element" "(" [ ( nt = ElementNameOrWildcard() [ "," contentTypeName = TypeName() [ nilled = "?" ] ] ) ] ")" { ElementTestNode et = new ElementTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); et.setNameTest(nt); et.setTypeName(contentTypeName); et.setNillable(nilled != null); return et; } } NameTestNode ElementNameOrWildcard(): { QNameNode name; Token start; } { ( name = ElementName() { NameTestNode nt = new NameTestNode(name.getSourceLocation()); nt.setPrefix(name.getPrefix()); nt.setLocalName(name.getLocalName()); return nt; } | start = "*" { return new NameTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); } ) } SchemaElementTestNode SchemaElementTest() : { QNameNode name; Token start; } { start = "schema-element" "(" name = ElementDeclaration() ")" { SchemaElementTestNode set = new SchemaElementTestNode(createSourceLocation(start)); set.setName(name); return set; } } QNameNode ElementDeclaration() : { QNameNode qname; } { qname = ElementName() { return qname; } } QNameNode AttributeName() : { QNameNode qname; } { qname = QName() { return qname; } } QNameNode ElementName() : { QNameNode qname; } { qname = QName() { return qname; } } QNameNode TypeName(): { QNameNode qname; } { qname = QName() { return qname; } } String URILiteral() : { Token t; } { t = { return t.image; } } void FTSelection() : {} { FTOr() (FTPosFilter())* ["weight" RangeExpr()] } void FTOrExpr() : {} { FTOr() } void FTOr() : {} { FTAnd() ("ftor"{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); } FTAnd())* } void FTAnd() : {} { FTMildNot() ("ftand"{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); } FTMildNot())* } void FTMildNot() : {} { FTUnaryNot() ( ( "not"{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); } "in"{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); }) FTUnaryNot())* } void FTUnaryNot() : {boolean keepUnary=false;} { ( "ftnot"{keepUnary=true;})? FTPrimaryWithOptions() } void FTPrimaryWithOptions(): {} { ( FTPrimary() [LOOKAHEAD(2) FTMatchOptions()]) } void FTPrimary() : {} { ( ( FTWords() [FTTimes()]) | ( "(" FTSelection() ")") | FTExtensionSelection()) } void FTWords() : {} { FTWordsValue() [FTAnyallOption()] } void FTWordsValue() : {} { (Literal() | ( Expr() )) } void FTExtensionSelection() : {} { (Pragma())+ [FTSelection()] } void FTAnyallOption() : {} { ( ( "any" ["word"]) | ( "all" ["words"]) | "phrase") } void FTTimes() : {} { "occurs" FTRange() "times" } void FTRange() : {} { ( ( "exactly" AdditiveExpr()) | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "at" AdditiveExpr()) | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "at" "most" AdditiveExpr()) | ( "from" AdditiveExpr() "to" AdditiveExpr())) } void FTPosFilter() : {} { (FTOrder() | FTWindow() | FTDistance() | FTScope() | FTContent()) } void FTOrder() : {} { "ordered" } void FTWindow() : {} { "window" AdditiveExpr() FTUnit() } void FTDistance() : {} { "distance" FTRange() FTUnit() } void FTUnit() : {} { ("words" | "sentences" | "paragraphs") } void FTScope() : {} { ("same" | "different") FTBigUnit() } void FTBigUnit() : {} { ("sentence" | "paragraph") } void FTContent() : {} { (LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "at" "start") | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "at" "end") | ( "entire" "content")) } void FTMatchOptions() : {} { (LOOKAHEAD(2) FTMatchOption())+ } void FTMatchOption() : {} { LOOKAHEAD(2) FTLanguageOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTWildCardOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTThesaurusOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTStemOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTCaseOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTDiacriticsOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTStopwordOption() | LOOKAHEAD(2) FTExtensionOption() } void FTCaseOption() : {} { (LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "case" "insensitive") | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "case" "sensitive") | "lowercase" | "uppercase") } void FTDiacriticsOption() : {} { (LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "diacritics" "insensitive") | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "diacritics" "sensitive")) } void FTStemOption() : {} { ( ( "with" "stemming") | ( "without" "stemming")) } void FTThesaurusOption() : {} { (LOOKAHEAD(3) ( "with" "thesaurus" (FTThesaurusID() | "default")) | LOOKAHEAD(3) ( "with" "thesaurus" "(" (FTThesaurusID() | "default") ("," FTThesaurusID())* ")") | ( "without" "thesaurus")) } void FTThesaurusID() : {} { "at" URILiteral() ["relationship" ] [LOOKAHEAD(2) FTRange() "levels"] } void FTStopwordOption() : {} { (LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "with" "stop" "words" FTRefOrList() (FTInclExclStringLiteral())*) | ( "without" "stop" "words") | LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "with" "default" "stop" "words" (FTInclExclStringLiteral())*)) } void FTRefOrList() : {} { ( ( "at"{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); } URILiteral()) | ( "("{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); } {binaryTokenStack.push(token);} (","{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); } {binaryTokenStack.push(token);})* ")"{ binaryTokenStack.push(token); })) } void FTInclExclStringLiteral() : {} { ("union" | "except") FTRefOrList() } void FTLanguageOption() : {} { "language" } void FTWildCardOption() : {} { ( ( "with" "wildcards") | ( "without" "wildcards")) } void FTExtensionOption() : {} { "option" QName() } void FTIgnoreOption() : {} { "without" "content" UnionExpr() } NCNameNode NCName() : { QNameNode qname; } { qname = QName() { if (!"".equals(qname.getPrefix())) { throw new ParseException(token, new int[][] { }, new String[] { }); } NCNameNode n = new NCNameNode(qname.getSourceLocation()); n.setName(qname.getLocalName()); return n; } } QNameNode QName() : { QNameNode qname = null; Token t; } { qname = FunctionQName() { return qname; } | t = "attribute" { return createQName(t); } | t = "comment" { return createQName(t); } | t = "document-node" { return createQName(t); } | t = "element" { return createQName(t); } | t = "if" { return createQName(t); } | t = "item" { return createQName(t); } | t = "node" { return createQName(t); } | t = "processing-instruction" { return createQName(t); } | t = "schema-attribute" { return createQName(t); } | t = "schema-element" { return createQName(t); } | t = "text" { return createQName(t); } | t = "typeswitch" { return createQName(t); } | t = "empty-sequence" { return createQName(t); } } QNameNode FunctionQName() : { Token t; } { t = { return createQName(t); } | t = { return createQName(t); } | t = "xquery" { return createQName(t); } | t = "version" { return createQName(t); } | t = "encoding" { return createQName(t); } | t = "module" { return createQName(t); } | t = "namespace" { return createQName(t); } | t = "declare" { return createQName(t); } | t = "boundary-space" { return createQName(t); } | t = "preserve" { return createQName(t); } | t = "strip" { return createQName(t); } | t = "default" { return createQName(t); } | t = "function" { return createQName(t); } | t = "option" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ft-option" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ordering" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ordered" { return createQName(t); } | t = "unordered" { return createQName(t); } | t = "order" { return createQName(t); } | t = "empty" { return createQName(t); } | t = { return createQName(t); } | t = { return createQName(t); } | t = "copy-namespaces" { return createQName(t); } | t = "no-preserve" { return createQName(t); } | t = "inherit" { return createQName(t); } | t = "no-inherit" { return createQName(t); } | t = "collation" { return createQName(t); } | t = "base-uri" { return createQName(t); } | t = "import" { return createQName(t); } | t = "schema" { return createQName(t); } | t = "at" { return createQName(t); } | t = "variable" { return createQName(t); } | t = "construction" { return createQName(t); } | t = "as" { return createQName(t); } | t = "lax" { return createQName(t); } | t = "strict" { return createQName(t); } | t = "return" { return createQName(t); } | t = "for" { return createQName(t); } | t = "in" { return createQName(t); } | t = "score" { return createQName(t); } | t = "let" { return createQName(t); } | t = "where" { return createQName(t); } | t = "by" { return createQName(t); } | t = "stable" { return createQName(t); } | t = { return createQName(t); } | t = { return createQName(t); } | t = "some" { return createQName(t); } | t = "every" { return createQName(t); } | t = "satisfies" { return createQName(t); } | t = "case" { return createQName(t); } | t = "then" { return createQName(t); } | t = "else" { return createQName(t); } | t = "or" { return createQName(t); } | t = "and" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ftcontains" { return createQName(t); } | t = "to" { return createQName(t); } | t = "div" { return createQName(t); } | t = "idiv" { return createQName(t); } | t = "mod" { return createQName(t); } | t = "union" { return createQName(t); } | t = "intersect" { return createQName(t); } | t = "except" { return createQName(t); } | t = "instance" { return createQName(t); } | t = "of" { return createQName(t); } | t = "treat" { return createQName(t); } | t = "castable" { return createQName(t); } | t = "cast" { return createQName(t); } | t = "eq" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ne" { return createQName(t); } | t = "lt" { return createQName(t); } | t = "le" { return createQName(t); } | t = "gt" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ge" { return createQName(t); } | t = "is" { return createQName(t); } | t = "validate" { return createQName(t); } | t = "child" { return createQName(t); } | t = "descendant" { return createQName(t); } | t = "self" { return createQName(t); } | t = "descendant-or-self" { return createQName(t); } | t = "following-sibling" { return createQName(t); } | t = "following" { return createQName(t); } | t = "parent" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ancestor" { return createQName(t); } | t = "preceding-sibling" { return createQName(t); } | t = "preceding" { return createQName(t); } | t = "ancestor-or-self" { return createQName(t); } | t = "document" { return createQName(t); } | t = "weight" { return createQName(t); } | t = "not" { return createQName(t); } | t = "lowercase" { return createQName(t); } | t = "uppercase" { return createQName(t); } | t = "sensitive" { return createQName(t); } | t = "insensitive" { return createQName(t); } | t = "with" { return createQName(t); } | t = "diacritics" { return createQName(t); } | t = "without" { return createQName(t); } | t = "stemming" { return createQName(t); } | t = "thesaurus" { return createQName(t); } | t = "relationship" { return createQName(t); } | t = "levels" { return createQName(t); } | t = "stop" { return createQName(t); } | t = "words" { return createQName(t); } | t = "language" { return createQName(t); } | t = "wildcards" { return createQName(t); } | t = "start" { return createQName(t); } | t = "end" { return createQName(t); } | t = "entire" { return createQName(t); } | t = "content" { return createQName(t); } | t = "any" { return createQName(t); } | t = "all" { return createQName(t); } | t = "phrase" { return createQName(t); } | t = "word" { return createQName(t); } | t = "exactly" { return createQName(t); } | t = "most" { return createQName(t); } | t = "from" { return createQName(t); } | t = "distance" { return createQName(t); } | t = "window" { return createQName(t); } | t = "occurs" { return createQName(t); } | t = "times" { return createQName(t); } | t = "same" { return createQName(t); } | t = "different" { return createQName(t); } | t = "sentences" { return createQName(t); } | t = "paragraphs" { return createQName(t); } | t = "sentence" { return createQName(t); } | t = "paragraph" { return createQName(t); } | t = "type" { return createQName(t); } } TOKEN : { < IntegerLiteral : > } TOKEN : { < DecimalLiteral : ( ( "." ) | ( "." (["0" - "9"])*)) > } TOKEN : { < DoubleLiteral : ( ( "." ) | ( ("." (["0" - "9"])*)?)) ["e", "E"] (["+", "-"])? > } TOKEN : { < StringLiteral : ( ( "\"" (( | | | ~["\"", "&"]))* "\"") | ( "'" (( | | | ~["'", "&"]))* "'")) > } SKIP: { > } TOKEN : { < #skip_ : ( ()+ ) > } TOKEN : { < Minus : "-" > } TOKEN : { < Plus : "+" > } TOKEN : { < External : "external" > } TOKEN : { < Ascending : "ascending" > } TOKEN : { < Descending : "descending" > } TOKEN : { < Greatest : "greatest" > } TOKEN : { < Least : "least" > } TOKEN : { < #Prefix : > } TOKEN : { < #LocalPart : > } TOKEN : { < #Nmstart : ( | "_") > } TOKEN : { < #Nmchar : ( | | | | "." | "-" | "_") > } TOKEN : { < PredefinedEntityRef : "&" ("lt" | "gt" | "amp" | "quot" | "apos") ";" > } TOKEN : { < EscapeQuot : "\"\"" > : QUOT_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < EscapeApos : "''" > : APOS_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < #HexDigits : (["0" - "9", "a" - "f", "A" - "F"])+ > } TOKEN : { < Lbrace : "{" > { pushState(); } : DEFAULT } TOKEN : { < LbraceExprEnclosure : "{" > { pushState(DEFAULT); } : DEFAULT } TOKEN : { < Rbrace : "}" > { popState(); } } TOKEN : { < RbraceErrorInContent : "}" > { pushState(); } : DEFAULT } TOKEN : { < LCurlyBraceEscape : "{{" > } TOKEN : { < RCurlyBraceEscape : "}}" > } TOKEN : { < Amp : "&" > } TOKEN : { < LessThanOpOrTagO : "<" > { pushState(DEFAULT); } : START_TAG } TOKEN : { < StartTagOpen : "<" > { pushState(); } : START_TAG } TOKEN : { < AttrLTCharError : "<" > { pushState(); } : DEFAULT } TOKEN : { < StartTagClose : ">" > : ELEMENT_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < OpenQuot : "\"" > : QUOT_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < CloseQuot : "\"" > : START_TAG } TOKEN : { < OpenApos : "'" > : APOS_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < CloseApos : "'" > : START_TAG } TOKEN : { < ExtensionContentChar : > } TOKEN : { < ElementContentChar : > : ELEMENT_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < QuotAttrContentChar : > : QUOT_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < AposAttrContentChar : > : APOS_ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < CommentContentChar : > : XML_COMMENT } TOKEN : { < EmptyTagClose : "/>" > { popState(); } } TOKEN : { < EndTagOpen : " : END_TAG } TOKEN : { < EndTagClose : ">" > { popState(); } } TOKEN : { < ValueIndicator : "=" > : START_TAG } TOKEN : { < PragmaOpen : "(#" > : PRAGMA } TOKEN : { < PragmaClose : "#)" > : DEFAULT } TOKEN : { < XMLCommentDoubleDashError : "-" "-" > : XML_COMMENT } TOKEN : { < CommentContentCharDash : "-" > : XML_COMMENT } TOKEN : { < ProcessingInstructionStart : " { pushState(DEFAULT); } : PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION } TOKEN : { < ProcessingInstructionStartForElementContent : " { pushState(); } : PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION } TOKEN : { < ProcessingInstructionEnd : "?>" > { popState(); } } TOKEN : { < PIContentChar : ["\t", "\r", "\n", "\u0020" - "\uFFFD"] > : PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < CDataSectionChar : ["\t", "\r", "\n", "\u0020" - "\uFFFD"] > : CDATA_SECTION } TOKEN : { < CdataSectionStart : " { pushState(DEFAULT); } : CDATA_SECTION } TOKEN : { < CdataSectionStartForElementContent : " { pushState(); } : CDATA_SECTION } TOKEN : { < CdataSectionEnd : ("]" "]" ">") > { popState(); } } TOKEN : { < XmlCommentStart : "" > { popState(); } } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < #Comment : (())* > } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < CommentStart : "(:" > { pushState(); } : EXPR_COMMENT } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < CommentContent : > } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < CommentEnd : ":)" > { popState(); } } TOKEN : { < Slash : "/" > } TOKEN : { < SlashSlash : "//" > } TOKEN : { < PITargetError : ("xml" | "Xml" | "xMl" | "xmL" | "XMl" | "xML" | "xMl" | "XML" | "XmL") > : PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION } TOKEN : { < PITarget : > : PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION } TOKEN : { < CharRef : "&#" ( | ("x" )) ";" > } TOKEN : { < QNameToken : ( ":")? > } TOKEN : { < QNameForPragma : > : PRAGMACONTENTSSPACEDIVIDER } TOKEN : { < TagQName : > } TOKEN : { < EndTagQName : > } TOKEN : { < #NCNameTok : ()* > } TOKEN : { < NCNameColonStar : ":" "*" > } TOKEN : { < StarColonNCName : "*" ":" > } TOKEN : { < S : ()+ > } TOKEN : { < SForPragma : ()+ > : PRAGMACONTENTS } TOKEN : { < SForPI : ()+ > : PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT } TOKEN : { < Char : ["\t", "\r", "\n", "\u0020" - "\uFFFD"] > } TOKEN : { < #Digits : (["0" - "9"])+ > } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < #CommentContents : ()+ > } TOKEN : { < #WhitespaceChar : ["\t", "\r", "\n", " "] > } TOKEN : { < #Letter : ( | ) > } TOKEN : { < #BaseChar : ["\u0041" - "\u005a", "\u0061" - "\u007a", "\u00c0" - "\u00d6", "\u00d8" - "\u00f6", "\u00f8" - "\u00ff", "\u0100" - "\u0131", "\u0134" - "\u013e", "\u0141" - "\u0148", "\u014a" - "\u017e", "\u0180" - "\u01c3", "\u01cd" - "\u01f0", "\u01f4" - "\u01f5", "\u01fa" - "\u0217", "\u0250" - "\u02a8", "\u02bb" - "\u02c1", "\u0386", "\u0388" - "\u038a", "\u038c", "\u038e" - "\u03a1", "\u03a3" - "\u03ce", "\u03d0" - "\u03d6", "\u03da", "\u03dc", "\u03de", "\u03e0", "\u03e2" - "\u03f3", "\u0401" - "\u040c", "\u040e" - "\u044f", "\u0451" - "\u045c", "\u045e" - "\u0481", "\u0490" - "\u04c4", "\u04c7" - "\u04c8", "\u04cb" - "\u04cc", "\u04d0" - "\u04eb", "\u04ee" - "\u04f5", "\u04f8" - "\u04f9", "\u0531" - "\u0556", "\u0559", "\u0561" - "\u0586", "\u05d0" - "\u05ea", "\u05f0" - "\u05f2", "\u0621" - "\u063a", "\u0641" - "\u064a", "\u0671" - "\u06b7", "\u06ba" - "\u06be", "\u06c0" - "\u06ce", "\u06d0" - "\u06d3", "\u06d5", "\u06e5" - "\u06e6", "\u0905" - "\u0939", "\u093d", "\u0958" - "\u0961", "\u0985" - "\u098c", "\u098f" - "\u0990", "\u0993" - "\u09a8", "\u09aa" - "\u09b0", "\u09b2", "\u09b6" - "\u09b9", "\u09dc" - "\u09dd", "\u09df" - "\u09e1", "\u09f0" - "\u09f1", "\u0a05" - "\u0a0a", "\u0a0f" - "\u0a10", "\u0a13" - "\u0a28", "\u0a2a" - "\u0a30", "\u0a32" - "\u0a33", "\u0a35" - "\u0a36", "\u0a38" - "\u0a39", "\u0a59" - "\u0a5c", "\u0a5e", "\u0a72" - "\u0a74", "\u0a85" - "\u0a8b", "\u0a8d", "\u0a8f" - "\u0a91", "\u0a93" - "\u0aa8", "\u0aaa" - "\u0ab0", "\u0ab2" - "\u0ab3", "\u0ab5" - "\u0ab9", "\u0abd", "\u0ae0", "\u0b05" - "\u0b0c", "\u0b0f" - "\u0b10", "\u0b13" - "\u0b28", "\u0b2a" - "\u0b30", "\u0b32" - "\u0b33", "\u0b36" - "\u0b39", "\u0b3d", "\u0b5c" - "\u0b5d", "\u0b5f" - "\u0b61", "\u0b85" - "\u0b8a", "\u0b8e" - "\u0b90", "\u0b92" - "\u0b95", "\u0b99" - "\u0b9a", "\u0b9c", "\u0b9e" - 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