Configuration Reference

This page gives the reference of the Velosurf configuration file syntax.

Don't be confused here, 'entity' and 'attribute' are both used as XML concepts and velosurf concepts... The velosurf entity has a corresponding XML element, the velosurf attribute has a corresponding XML element as well, and both have XML attributes.

The configuration file follows this DTD.

In brief:

The following table describes the meaning of all XML attributes per XML entity.

<database> element (no parent)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
database user string (required unless specified in the JDBC URL or in a <credentials> tag) database account login
database password string (required unless specified in the JDBC URL or in a <credentials> tag) database account password
database url string (required unless specified in a <credentials> tag) database URL
database driver java_class_name (none) database driver class - if not specified, Velosurf will try to deduce it from the database URL
database schema string (none) schema used, if any
database read-only yes | no | true | false yes entities default access mode, read-only or read-write
database caching none | soft | full none default entities caching method (see caching attribute for entities)
database case sensitive | uppercase | lowercase (driver-dependant) case-sensivity policy used by Velosurf: sensitive, uppercase or lowercase(1)
database reverse none | partial | tables | full full degree of reverse engineering: in 'partial' mode, only the tables corresponding to entities listed in the configuration file are reverse engineered - in 'full' mode, all tables and foreign keys are reverse engineered
database loglevel trace | debug | info | warn | error | fatal info logging level, from the most verbose to the less verbose
database min-connections integer 1 the initial number of connections in the connection pool
database max-connections integer 50 the maximum number of connections in the connection pool
database seed string database url seed of the encryption engine random generator
database check-connections yes | no yes states whether connections are checked (and re-opened if necessary) before every statement execution
<credentials> element (optional child of <database> used to gather credentials)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
credentials user string (required unless specified in the JDBC URL or in the <database> tag) database account login
credentials password string (required unless specified in the JDBC URL or in the <database> tag) database account password
credentials url string (required unless specified in the <database> tag) database URL
credentials driver java_class_name (none) database driver class - if not specified, Velosurf will try to deduce it from the database URL
database schema string (none) schema used, if any
<entity> element (child of <database>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
entity name string  (required) entity name; if it is the name of an existing table, the columns of the table will automatically become attributes of this entity
entity table string  entity name use this attribute if the table name and the entity name are to be different
entity read-only yes | no yes access mode, read-only or read-write
entity class java_class_name velosurf.context.Instance java class used to map an instance of this entity
entity caching none | soft | full (none) caching method: none, soft (automatic with respect to memory) or full (only cleared on Entity.clearCache() calls)
entity obfuscate column [,column...] (none) columns that will be obfuscated
entity localize column [,column...] (none) columns that will be localized
<scalar> element (child of <entity>, or of <database> for root attributes)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
scalar name  string (required) attribute name, can overload an existing column
scalar caching yes | no no whether or not this scalar attribute should be cached
<row> element (child of <entity>, or of <database> for root attributes)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
row name  string (required) attribute name, can overload an existing column
row result entity (none) resulting entity, if any, so that other attributes can be called on the result.
row caching yes | no no whether or not this row attribute should be cached
<rowset> element (child of <entity>, or of <database> for root attributes)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
rowset name  string (required) attribute name, can overload an existing column
rowset result entity (none) resulting entity, if any, so that other attributes can be called on the result.
rowset caching yes | no no whether or not this rowset attribute should be cached
<aliases> element (child of <entity>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
aliases string string (required) define all aliases for this entity - for instance: <aliases alias_1='column_1' alias_2='column_2' ... />
<imported-key> element (child of <entity>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
imported-key name string (required) name given to the relationship
imported-key entity string (required) name of the entity corresponding to the foreign table
imported-key foreign-cols col [ , col... ] (required) comma-separated list of the local columns matching the key columns of the foreign table
<exported-key> element (child of <entity>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
exported-key name string (required) name given to the relationship
exported-key entity string (required) name of the entity corresponding to the foreign table
exported-key foreign-cols col [ , col... ] (required) comma-separated list of the foreign columns matching the key columns of the local table
exported-key order col [ , col... ] (none) comma-separated list of the foreign columns by which the result should be ordered
<action> element (child of <entity>, or of <database> for root actions)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
action name string (required) Action name. If present, the root startup action is performed when Velosurf is initialized.
The following tags belong to the data validation module.
<constaint> element (child of <entity>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
constraint column string (required) name of this entity's column the constraint is to be applied to
constraint type integer | number | date | email (none) expected data type - short syntax
constraint min-len positive integer (none) minimum length - short syntax
constraint max-len positive integer (none) maximum length - short syntax
constraint min integer (none) minimum value (implies 'number' data type if none specified) - short syntax
constraint max integer (none) maximum value (implies 'number' data type if none specified) - short syntax
constraint after YYYYMMDD (none) data must be a date >= this value (implies 'date' type if none specified) - short syntax
constraint before YYYYMMDD (none) data must be a date <= this value (implies 'date' type if none specified) - short syntax
constraint not-empty true | false false data must not be null or empty - short syntax
constraint not-null true | false false data must not be null - short syntax
constraint one-of value[,value...] false data must be one of the supplied values - short syntax
constraint reference table.column (none) data must be present in table.column - short syntax
constraint regex pattern (none) data must follow the provided pattern - short syntax
<integer> element (child of <constaint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
integer min integer (none) minimum value - long syntax
integer max integer (none) maximum value - long syntax
integer message string field {0}: '{1}' is not in the valid range message to display when constraint fails
<number> element (child of <constaint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
number min number (none) minimum value - long syntax
number max number (none) maximum value - long syntax
number message string field {0}: '{1}' is not in the valid range message to display when constraint fails
<min-len> element (child of <constaint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
min-len value positive integer (required) minimum length - long syntax
min-len message string field {0}: '{1}' is not in the valid range message to display when constraint fails
<max-len> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
max-len value positive integer (required) maximum length - long syntax
max-len message string field {0}: '{1}' is not in the valid range message to display when constraint fails
<date> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
date after YYYYMMDD (none) data must be a date >= this value - long syntax
date before YYYYMMDD (none) data must be a date <= this value - long syntax
date message string field {0}: '{1}' is not a valid date or is outside range message to display when constraint fails
<email> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
email check-dns true | false false whether to issue a DNS lookup query to check the validity of the email
email check-smtp true | false false whether to issue an SMTP login to check the validity of the email
email message string field {0}: '{1}' is not a valid email message to display when constraint fails
<not-null> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
not-null message string field {0} cannot be null message to display when constraint fails
<not-empty> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
not-empty message string field {0} cannot be empty message to display when constraint fails
<one-of> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
one-of message string field {0}: value '{1}' must be one of: value,... message to display when constraint fails
<value> element (child of <one-of>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
value       specifies a value for the long syntax form of the <one-of> constraint (text content)
<reference> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
reference foreign-key table.column (required) data must be present in table.column - long syntax
reference message string field {0}: value '{1}' not found in table.column message to display when constraint fails
<regex> element (child of <constraint>)
XML element XML attribute syntax default value meaning
regex pattern string (required) data must follow the provided pattern - long syntax
regex message string field {0}: value '{1}' is not valid message to display when constraint fails

(1) This case-sensivity parameter indicates the policy that Velosurf must follow with SQL keywords (tables and columns) when speaking with the relational database. It should mimic the behaviour the database engine has with its metadata tables, and the default is chosen depending on the database vendor when known (see It is one of:

It doesn't impact case of identifiers used in the configuration file or in the templates. Those ones are converted to lowercase by default and this behaviour can be changed via the Java system property.