-------- Velocity -------- Welcome to Velocity. Velocity is a general purpose template engine written in Java. For more information about Velocity, please look at the HTML documentation in the docs/ directory. Here is a description of what each of the top level directories contains. Please consult the documentation in each of the lower level directories for information that is specific to their contents. bin/ This is a temporary build directory. build/ This is where the build scripts live. docs/ This is where the documentation lives. examples/ This is where the examples live. src/ This is where all of the source code to Velocity lives. test/ This is where all of the tests live. xdocs/ This is the .xml files for building the .html files related to the website and documentation. REQUIREMENTS ------------ The Java 2 SDK is required to build Velocity. BUILDING VELOCITY ----------------- In order to get started with Velocity, you must first build it. To do so, cd into the build/ directory and execute the platform-specific build script. Unix: ./build-velocity.sh Win32: build-velocity.bat This will create a bin/ directory containing the Velocity .jar file. Be sure to update your classpath to include Velocity's .jar file. TRYING THE EXAMPLE ------------------ After building Velocity cd into the examples/ directory and run test.sh. This will generate a file named output which is the result of the test.wm input. -The Velocity Team