WHY ARE THERE TWO JARS? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Continuing what we started with the 1.2 release, we are including two jars with the distribution. velocity-1.3.jar ---------------- This jar does not include any external dependencies that Velocity depends on. It does include the core Velocity Template engine, all supporting classes, Anakia and Texen. All external dependencies needed by Velocity, such as the jakarta-commons-collection classes, Jakarta Avalon Logkit, or Jakarta ORO are *NOT* included. We do this to allow you to use whatever version of collections, logkit, etc that you wish w/o fear of collision. For your convenience, these jars are included with the distribution package, in the build/lib directory. The can also be found at respective project sites. velocity-dep-1.3.jar -------------------- This is a Velocity jar that includes all dependencies that were included with previous distribution jars. It is included as a convenience to allow you to drop this 1.3 distribution in place of existing 1.1 or 1.2 distributions. Please see the developers guide for more information.