Now, use the #quietnull example from the global library VM_global_library.vm :
Now, there should be nothing in the brackets : ><
Where there should be something here : >hello!<
Further tests. The following VMs and non-VM should be properly escaped :
Now try to define a new quietnull VM :
It should have been rejected, as the default is to not let inlines override existing, and there
should be a message in velocity.log.
Therefore it should still function normally :
We should be able to use argless VMs (and directives....)
Hello! I have no args!
And there was a bug where I wasn't getting the params right for the use-instance :
Arg :>$jdom.getRootElement().getChild("properties").getChild("author").getTextTrim()<
String literals should work as you expect :
Arg :>stringliteral<
Test boolean args :
arg true
arg false
Test map args :
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