WHY ARE THERE TWO JARS? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? =============================================== We are including two jars with the Velocity distribution. This document describes the differences and what they are intended for. Both jars are included in the root directory of the Velocity distribution. CAVEAT: Up and including the 1.4 release of Velocity, there was a wealth of different jars including J2EE code, containing just the runtime or the tools. This lead to some confusion about the naming and the purpose of the various jars. Starting with the 1.5 release of Velocity, there is now only one jar, velocity-.jar which contains all Velocity code and a second jar, velocity-dep-.jar, which contains all Velocity code and its external dependencies. velocity-.jar ---------------------- This jar contains only the velocity specific code in the org.apache.velocity.* packages. If you want to integrate Velocity in your own code or a larger project, we recommend that you use this jar. It has some external dependencies which are listed in the developer docs. Make sure that you have these dependencies present in your application. Please see the developers guide for more information. velocity-dep-.jar -------------------------- This jar is intended to be used when you do standalone development with Velocity. It contains all of the Velocity engine code (runtime, anakia, texen and their respective ant tasks) and also all external dependencies from other jars, repackaged into a single jar. Currently that is: oro org.apache.oro.* packages, from http://jakarta.apache.org/oro/ commons-lang org.apache.commons.lang.* packages, from http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/lang/ Avalon Logkit org.apache.log.* packages and a subset of commons-collections org.apache.commons.collections.* packages from http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/collections/ These classes are strictly intended for Velocity use! If you want to use the velocity-dep jar, do not rely on any of the other classes being present. We reserve the right to change the supporting classes (those not in the org.apache.velocity.* packages) at any time for any release. When using this jar without anything else, you are also restricted to using the Avalon Logkit for logging (or JDK 1.4 logging if you run under JDK 1.4 or newer). This jar should only be used for the Velocity runtime. The various tools (Anakia, Texen, Webmacro converter) have additional dependencies that are not inside this jar!