Misc Notes ========== Context 'Scope' -------------- JSP has this notion of three levels of scope for passing data through to the JSP - context, session and request (hereafter c/s/r) Now, there is no such notion in Vel, but it's important to the JSP crowd, for now anyway :) So, maybe the solution is two-fold : when taking c/s/r elements to package into the context, maybe the solution is : - make a new VC c/s/r - chain them : VC(r) = new VC( VC(s) = new VC(c)) so r masks s masks c - also, place those VC's independantly into the context $struts.context $struts.session $struts.request - we can also wrap in VMs : #context( ) #session( ) #request( ) or something Beanification of Tags --------------------- It would be nice to map the tags into VMs. Currently there are two tags that have been velocitized, $message and $errors.getErrors() A nice solution would be auto-generation of the bean mappings at startup, so it can do it from the standard struts configuration files. Not sure how easy this is, but I think it can be done. ex. #message_bean( ) #errors_html( ) something like that. I hope it can be done automatically. The problem will be things that expect a body, like