Welcome to the Struts-Velocity Experiment! ========================================== NOTE : This is unsupported, experimental software, suitable for *no* real use whatsoever. It is intended as an exploration of the incorporation of Velocity templates in the Struts framework. -------------------------------------------------------- This package is an exploration of using the Velocity template engine in the Struts framework. This package allows you to : 1) Use velocity templates named XXXXX.vm anywhere you would use a JSP in your Struts application. 2) You may intermingle - having some pages in Velocity, and some in JSP Currently, framework support is limited to : - the vel org.apache.velocity.struts.VelServlet 4 the load-on-startup can be whatever you need it to be. There are no loading dependencies. 2) in the same file, WEB-INF/web.xml, map all Velocity templates to be handled by the VelServlet vel *.vm