jason this is testing for wild loose commas , , $100 This is the bar way. This is $bar. This is the if. #set $foo = "bar" $foo => bar $foo; => bar; $foo. => bar. $foo.. => bar.. $foo/ => bar/ $foo" => bar" $foo\ => bar\ $foo< => bar< \$foo- => $foo- \$fooo+ => $fooo+ \$foo-x => $foo-x $foo$ => bar$ jon nothing here function preload(imgObj,imgSrc) { if (document.images) { eval(imgObj+' = new Image()') eval(imgObj+'.src = "'+imgSrc+'"') } } function changeImage(layer,imgName,imgObj) { if (document.images) { if (document.layers && layer!=null) eval('document.'+layer+'.document.images["'+imgName+'"].src = '+imgObj+'.src') else document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObj+".src") } } $provider2.Title x x lunatic lunatic crocodile hunter! lunatic jason jason This is a property that returns a boolean value of true. This expression is always (true). Foreach with a variable. This is ArrayList element 1. This is ArrayList element 2. This is ArrayList element 3. This is ArrayList element 4. Foreach with an array.
This is first element
This is second element
This is the vector element 1. This is the vector element 2. Foreach with a method. This is ArrayList element 1. This is ArrayList element 2. This is ArrayList element 3. This is ArrayList element 4. $10.00 "this is great" (this is also great) This is the \#stuff and this is the way \#to \#go. this = that I am a jason. Yes the APL rules!