@test foreach-array.vm
This template is used for Velocity regression testing.
If you alter this template make sure you change the
corresponding comparison file so that the regression
test doesn't fail incorrectly.
--Foreach with an array. 2 blank lines follow
##foreach ($element in $provider.Array)
#foreach ($element in $stringarray)
This is $element and it is the $velocityCount item |
--Foreach with a null array. 1 blank line follows
#foreach ($element in $woogiefoogie)
This is $element and it is the $velocityCount item |
-- And when we declare the array in-template :
Choose among :
#foreach( $color in $colors )
#set($bar= 'bar')
#set($foo = [ 'a' ])
#set($foo2 = [ $bar ])
#set($foo2 = [$bar ])
#set($foo2 = [ $bar])
#set($foo2 = [ $bar] )
#foreach( $i in $foo )
\$foo : $i
#foreach($i in $foo2)
\$foo2 : $i