# the local repository local.repository = ./lib # The name of this project project.name = velocity-dvsl # The title of this project project.title = DVSL # A description of this project project.description = Declarative Velocity Style Language, an XML transformation tool that uses Xpath and VTL # version number project.version = 1.0-dev # The name that is used to create the jar file final.name = ${project.name}-${project.version} # Name of generated dvsl.jar file dvsl.jar = ${final.name}.jar # The base directory for compilation targets build.home = target # The base directory for distribution targets dist.home = dist # The directory for the examples examples.home = examples # The base directory for preparing releases release.home = ${dist.home}/release/${final.name} # distribution properties publish.server=people.apache.org publish.home=~/public_html/velocity/dvsl/${final.name} publish.docs.home=/www/velocity.apache.org/dvsl/ # The base directory for component sources source.home = src # The base directory for config files conf.home = src/conf # The docs source directory docs.src = src/site # The docs destination directory docs.dest = docs # The printdocs destination directory docs-printable.dest = docs_print # Location of ant.jar default-ant.jar = ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar # Should Java compilations set the 'debug' compiler option? compile.debug = true # Should Java compilations set the 'deprecation' compiler option? compile.deprecation = true # Should Java compilations set the 'optimize' compiler option? compile.optimize = true # source and target jdk for javac compile.source = 1.5 compile.target = 1.5 # source files encoding for javac compile.encoding = utf-8 # Should all tests fail if one does? test.failonerror = true # The test runner to execute test.runner = junit.textui.TestRunner # ####################################################################### # # Downloading jars from ibiblio repository # # ####################################################################### # The default behaviour is to download dependency jars only when # they are not already present. # Set skip.jar.loading to true to never download any dependency jar, # or force.jar.loading to true to always download all dependency jars. skip.jar.loading= false force.jar.loading= false # # Settings for the proxy to use for download. Change this if you must # use a proxy from your host. If the proxy.host property is unset, no # proxy is used. proxy.host= proxy.port= 80 # # We download directly from the ibiblio maven repository repo.url= http://www.ibiblio.org/maven # # Jars to be downloaded jar.commons-collections.version= 3.2 jar.commons-lang.version= 2.3 jar.crimson.version= 1.1.3 jar.dom4j.version= 1.6.1 jar.jaxen.version= 1.1.1 jar.junit.version= 4.3.1 jar.oro.version= 2.0.8 jar.velocity.version= 1.5 jar.xalan.version= 2.7.0 # # Destination lib.home= ${basedir}/lib