' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more ' contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with ' this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. ' The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ' (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with ' the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ' WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ' limitations under the License. Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WScript.Echo (WScript.ScriptName & " beginning to run: " & Date & " " & Time) strSystem32="%SystemRoot%\system32" ' Get the Windows version ' This allows the same script to be used for different versions ' Some commands such as setting the firewall differ between versions Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT Version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each objItem In colItems strWindowsVersion = objItem.Version Next WScript.Echo "Windows Version: " & strWindowsVersion '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Print the routing table before making any changes ' This is done for troubleshooting purposes CMD_ROUTE_PRINT=strSystem32 & "\route.exe print" RunCommand CMD_ROUTE_PRINT, "Printing routing table" ' Renew the DHCP lease to make sure not to retrieve old information CMD_IPCONFIG_ALL=strSystem32 & "\ipconfig.exe /all" CMD_IPCONFIG_RELEASE=strSystem32 & "\ipconfig.exe /release" CMD_IPCONFIG_RENEW=strSystem32 & "\ipconfig.exe /renew" 'RunCommand CMD_IPCONFIG_RELEASE, "Releasing DHCP lease" 'RunCommand CMD_IPCONFIG_RENEW, "Renewing DHCP lease" RunCommand CMD_IPCONFIG_ALL, "Running ipconfig /all" '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the networking configuration Dim PRIVATE_NAME, PRIVATE_IP, PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK, PRIVATE_GATEWAY Dim PUBLIC_NAME, PUBLIC_IP, PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK, PUBLIC_GATEWAY get_network_configuration print_hr WScript.Echo "PRIVATE_NAME = " & PRIVATE_NAME WScript.Echo "PRIVATE_IP = " & PRIVATE_IP WScript.Echo "PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK = " & PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK WScript.Echo "PRIVATE_GATEWAY = " & PRIVATE_GATEWAY WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "PUBLIC_NAME = " & PUBLIC_NAME WScript.Echo "PUBLIC_IP = " & PUBLIC_IP WScript.Echo "PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK = " & PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK WScript.Echo "PUBLIC_GATEWAY = " & PUBLIC_GATEWAY WScript.Echo ' Check if all the required information was found If (Len(PRIVATE_NAME) > 0) And (Len(PRIVATE_IP) > 0) _ And (Len(PUBLIC_NAME) > 0) And (Len(PUBLIC_IP) > 0) And (Len(PUBLIC_GATEWAY) > 0) _ Then WScript.Echo "Successfully retrieved private and public network configuration" Else WScript.Echo "Failed to retrieve private and public network configuration, returning exit status 1" WScript.Quit 1 End If '' Set system environment variables 'Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Set sysvars = objShell.Environment("SYSTEM") 'sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_NAME") = PRIVATE_NAME 'sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_IP") = PRIVATE_IP 'sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_MASK") = PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK 'sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_GATEWAY") = PRIVATE_GATEWAY 'sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_NAME") = PUBLIC_NAME 'sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_IP") = PUBLIC_IP 'sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_MASK") = PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK 'sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_GATEWAY") = PUBLIC_GATEWAY ' 'WScript.Echo ' 'WScript.Echo "Set environment variables:" 'Set sysvars = objShell.Environment("SYSTEM") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PRIVATE_NAME: " & sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_NAME") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PRIVATE_IP: " & sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_IP") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PRIVATE_MASK: " & sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_MASK") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PRIVATE_GATEWAY: " & sysvars("VCL_PRIVATE_GATEWAY") 'WScript.Echo 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PUBLIC_NAME: " & sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_NAME") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PUBLIC_IP: " & sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_IP") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PUBLIC_MASK: " & sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_MASK") 'WScript.Echo "VCL_PUBLIC_GATEWAY: " & sysvars("VCL_PUBLIC_GATEWAY") '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Assemble the external commands CMD_ROUTE_ADD_PUBLIC_GATEWAY=strSystem32 & "\route.exe -p ADD MASK " & PUBLIC_GATEWAY & " METRIC 1" CMD_ROUTE_ADD_PRIVATE_GATEWAY=strSystem32 & "\route.exe -p ADD MASK " & PRIVATE_GATEWAY & " METRIC 2" CMD_ROUTE_DELETE_GATEWAYS=strSystem32 & "\route.exe DELETE MASK " CMD_ROUTE_FLUSH=strSystem32 & "\route.exe -f" CMD_SET_NTSYSLOG_GATEWAY=strSystem32 & "\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\SaberNet /v syslog /d " & PRIVATE_GATEWAY & " /f" CMD_START_NTSYSLOG_SERVICE=strSystem32 & "\net.exe start ntsyslog" CMD_STOP_NTSYSLOG_SERVICE=strSystem32 & "\net.exe stop ntsyslog" CMD_SET_PRIVATE_STATIC=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface ip set address name=""" & PRIVATE_NAME & """ source=static addr=" & PRIVATE_IP & " mask=" & PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK & " gateway=none" CMD_SET_PUBLIC_DNS=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface ip set dns name=""" & PUBLIC_NAME & """ source=dhcp register=none" CMD_SET_PRIVATE_DNS=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface ip set dns name=""" & PRIVATE_NAME & """ source=dhcp register=none" CMD_SET_PUBLIC_NAME=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface set interface name=""" & PUBLIC_NAME & """ newname=""Public Interface""" CMD_SET_PRIVATE_NAME=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface set interface name=""" & PRIVATE_NAME & """ newname=""Private Interface""" CMD_FIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_PING=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe firewall set icmpsetting" & _ " type = 8" & _ " mode = ENABLE" & _ " interface = """ & PRIVATE_NAME & """" CMD_FIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_SSH=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe firewall set portopening" & _ " protocol = TCP" & _ " port = 22" & _ " mode = ENABLE" & _ " name = ""SSHD""" & _ " interface = """ & PRIVATE_NAME & """" CMD_FIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_RDP=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe firewall set portopening" & _ " protocol = TCP" & _ " port = 3389" & _ " mode = ENABLE" & _ " name = ""Remote Desktop""" & _ " interface = """ & PRIVATE_NAME & """" CMD_ADVFIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_PING=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall set rule" & _ " name=""VCL: allow ping from private network""" & _ " new" & _ " action=allow" & _ " description=""Allows incoming ping (ICMP type 8) messages from 10.x.x.x addresses""" & _ " dir=in" & _ " enable=yes" & _ " localip=" & _ " protocol=icmpv4:8,any" & _ " remoteip=" CMD_ADVFIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_SSH=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall set rule" & _ " name=""VCL: allow SSH port 22 from private network""" & _ " new" & _ " action=allow" & _ " description=""Allows incoming TCP port 22 traffic from 10.x.x.x addresses""" & _ " dir=in" & _ " enable=yes" & _ " localip=" & _ " localport=22" & _ " protocol=TCP" & _ " remoteip=" CMD_ADVFIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_RDP=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall set rule" & _ " name=""VCL: allow RDP port 3389 from private network""" & _ " new" & _ " action=allow" & _ " description=""Allows incoming TCP port 3389 traffic from 10.x.x.x addresses""" & _ " dir=in" & _ " enable=yes" & _ " localip=" & _ " localport=3389" & _ " protocol=TCP" & _ " remoteip=" '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Run commands to configure networking ' Keep a total of the exit codes intExitStatusTotal = 0 ' Set the adapters to not register DNS records intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_SET_PUBLIC_DNS, "Setting the public adapter to not register DNS records") intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_SET_PRIVATE_DNS, "Setting the private adapter to not register DNS records") '' Set the private adapter to static and remove the default gateway 'intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_SET_PRIVATE_STATIC, "Setting the private adapter to static") ' Configure the routing table default gateways intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_ROUTE_DELETE_GATEWAYS, "Deleting routes to default gateways") intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_ROUTE_ADD_PUBLIC_GATEWAY, "Adding route to public default gateway") 'intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_ROUTE_ADD_PRIVATE_GATEWAY, "Adding route to private default gateway") '' Configure the ntsyslog service to use the address of the private default gateway (management node) 'RunCommand CMD_STOP_NTSYSLOG_SERVICE, "Stopping the ntsyslog service" 'intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_SET_NTSYSLOG_GATEWAY, "Configuring ntsyslog to use private default gateway") 'intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_START_NTSYSLOG_SERVICE, "STARTING the ntsyslog service") ' Configure the firewall to allow ping, RDP and SSH on the private network 'print_hr 'If (Left(strWindowsVersion, 1) < 6) Then ' WScript.Echo "Windows version is " & strWindowsVersion & ", configuring firewall with netsh firewall" ' intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_FIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_PING, "Allowing ping on the private interface") ' intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_FIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_SSH, "Allowing SSH on the private interface") ' 'intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_FIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_RDP, "Allowing RDP on the private interface") 'Else ' WScript.Echo "Windows version is " & strWindowsVersion & ", configuring firewall with netsh advfirewall" ' intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_ADVFIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_PING, "Allowing ping from private addresses") ' intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_ADVFIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_SSH, "Allowing SSH from private addresses") ' 'intExitStatusTotal = intExitStatusTotal + RunCommand(CMD_ADVFIREWALL_ALLOW_PRIVATE_RDP, "Allowing RDP from private addresses") 'End If '' Set the names of the adapters to Public and Private 'RunCommand CMD_SET_PRIVATE_NAME, "Setting the private adapter name to Private" 'RunCommand CMD_SET_PUBLIC_NAME, "Setting the public adapter name to Public" ' Print the routing table RunCommand CMD_ROUTE_PRINT, "Printing routing table" ' Run ipconfig /all RunCommand CMD_IPCONFIG_ALL, "Running ipconfig /all" print_hr WScript.Echo (WScript.ScriptName & " finished: " & Date & " " & Time) WScript.Echo "Exit status total: " & intExitStatusTotal WScript.Quit intExitStatusTotal '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_network_configuration ' Connect to local computer via WMI Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") ' Get a list of network adapters ' NetConnectionStatus: 0 = Disconnected, 1 = Connecting, 2 = Connected Set wmi_NAs = wmi.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE " & _ "NetConnectionStatus = 2 " & _ "AND NOT ServiceName LIKE '%loop%'") ' Loop through neteork adapters If (wmi_NAs.count = 0) Then WScript.Echo "No network adapters were found" WScript.Quit 1 End If ' Regular expression to ignore certain network connection names strPatternIgnoredAdapterNames = "(loopback|vmnet|afs)" ' Regular expression to ignore certain network connection descriptions strPatternIgnoredAdapterDescriptions = "(loopback|virtual|afs)" ' Regular expression to make sure the address is in the correct format strPatternIPAddress = "((\d{1,3}\.?){4})" ' Use a regular expression to check if the IP address is private strPatternPrivate = "^(10)\." ' Use a regular expression to check if the IP address is not public ' – ' - ' – ' – strPatternNotPublic = "^(10|127|192\.168|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]))\." 'intCheckAdapters = 1 'intLoopCount = 0 'Do While (intCheckAdapters <> 0 And intLoopCount < 3) ' intLoopCount = intLoopCount + 1 ' intCheckAdapters = 0 ' Renew the DHCP lease if not the first iteration ' This means DHCP was enabled on an adapter If (intLoopCount > 1) Then RunCommand CMD_IPCONFIG_RENEW, "Renewing DHCP lease" End If ' Loop through network adapters For Each NA in wmi_NAs WScript.Echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" WScript.Echo "*** " & NA.Description & " (Index: " & NA.Index & ") ***" 'WScript.Echo '' Print all of the the Win32_NetworkAdapter properties 'For Each NA_property in NA.Properties_ ' If Not IsNull(NA_property.Value) Then ' print_variable NA_property.Value, "NA:" & NA_property.Name ' End If 'Next ' Get a list of network adapter configurations matching the index of the network adapter Set wmi_NACs = wmi.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE Index = '" & NA.Index & "'") For Each NAC in wmi_NACs WScript.Echo '' Print all of the the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration properties 'For Each NAC_property in NAC.Properties_ ' If Not IsNull(NAC_property.Value) Then ' print_variable NAC_property.Value, "NAC:" & NAC_property.Name ' End If 'Next ' Evaluate the regular expressions strIgnoredAdapterName = RegExpVal(strPatternIgnoredAdapterNames, NA.Name, 0) strIgnoredAdapterDescription = RegExpVal(strPatternIgnoredAdapterDescriptions, NA.Description, 0) strIPAddress = RegExpVal(strPatternIPAddress, Join(NAC.IPAddress), 0) strIPAddressMatchPrivate = RegExpVal(strPatternPrivate, strIPAddress, 0) strIPAddressMatchNotPublic = RegExpVal(strPatternNotPublic, strIPAddress, 0) WScript.Echo "Adpater name: " & NA.Name WScript.Echo "Ignored adpater name section: " & strIgnoredAdapterName WScript.Echo "Ignored adpater description section: " & strIgnoredAdapterDescription WScript.Echo "IP address: " & strIPAddress WScript.Echo "Matching VCL private address section: " & strIPAddressMatchPrivate WScript.Echo "Matching non-public address section: " & strIPAddressMatchNotPublic ' Check if adapter should be ignored If Len(strIgnoredAdapterName) > 0 Then WScript.Echo "Network adapter " & NA.Name & " is being ignored because the name contains: " & strIgnoredAdapterName ' Check if adapter should be ignored Elseif Len(strIgnoredAdapterDescription) > 0 Then WScript.Echo "Network adapter " & NA.Name & " is being ignored because the description contains: " & strIgnoredAdapterDescription ' Check to make sure a valid IP address was found Elseif Len(strIPAddress) = 0 Then WScript.Echo "IP address is either blank or not in the correct format: " & NAC.IPAddress ' Check if address is a valid VCL private address (10.*) Elseif Len(strIPAddressMatchPrivate) > 0 Then PRIVATE_NAME = NA.NetConnectionID WScript.Echo "* PRIVATE_NAME = " & PRIVATE_NAME WScript.Echo "* DHCP enabled = " & NAC.DHCPEnabled 'If (NAC.DHCPEnabled = "False") Then ' CMD_PRIVATE_ENABLE_DHCP=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface ip set address name=""" & PRIVATE_NAME & """ source=dhcp" ' RunCommand CMD_PRIVATE_ENABLE_DHCP, "Enabling DHCP on the private adapter" ' intCheckAdapters = 1 'Else PRIVATE_IP = strIPAddress PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK = Join(NAC.IPSubnet) PRIVATE_DESCRIPTION = NA.Description If Not IsNull(NAC.DefaultIPGateway) Then PRIVATE_GATEWAY = Join(NAC.DefaultIPGateway) End If WScript.Echo "* PRIVATE_IP = " & PRIVATE_IP WScript.Echo "* PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK = " & PRIVATE_SUBNET_MASK WScript.Echo "* PRIVATE_GATEWAY = " & PRIVATE_GATEWAY WScript.Echo "* PRIVATE_DESCRIPTION = " & PRIVATE_DESCRIPTION 'End If ' Address is not a valid VCL private address (10.*) but may still be private (192.168.* ...) ' Check if address is private Elseif Len(strIPAddressMatchNotPublic) > 0 Then WScript.Echo "IP address is not a public nor valid VCL private address: " & strIPAddress ' Address is not private, it's a valid public address Else PUBLIC_NAME = NA.NetConnectionID WScript.Echo "* PUBLIC_NAME = " & PUBLIC_NAME WScript.Echo "* DHCP enabled = " & NAC.DHCPEnabled 'If (NAC.DHCPEnabled = "False") Then ' CMD_PUBLIC_ENABLE_DHCP=strSystem32 & "\netsh.exe interface ip set address name=""" & PUBLIC_NAME & """ source=dhcp" ' RunCommand CMD_PUBLIC_ENABLE_DHCP, "Enabling DHCP on the public adapter" ' intCheckAdapters = 1 'Else PUBLIC_IP = strIPAddress PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK = Join(NAC.IPSubnet) PUBLIC_DESCRIPTION = NA.Description If Not IsNull(NAC.DefaultIPGateway) Then PUBLIC_GATEWAY = Join(NAC.DefaultIPGateway) End If WScript.Echo "* PUBLIC_IP = " & PUBLIC_IP WScript.Echo "* PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK = " & PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK WScript.Echo "* PUBLIC_GATEWAY = " & PUBLIC_GATEWAY WScript.Echo "* PUBLIC_DESCRIPTION = " & PUBLIC_DESCRIPTION 'End If End If Next Next 'Loop End function '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function print_variable(arr, strTitle) If Not IsNull(arr) Then If IsArray(arr) Then For Each element In arr WScript.Echo strTitle & " = " & element Next Else WScript.Echo strTitle & " = " & arr End If Else WScript.Echo strTitle & " = NULL" End If End function '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function RegExpVal(strPattern, strString, idx) On Error Resume Next Dim regEx, Match, Matches, RetStr Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.Pattern = strPattern regEx.IgnoreCase = True regEx.Global = True Set Matches = regEx.Execute( strString ) RegExpVal = Matches( 0 ).SubMatches( idx ) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function RunCommand (strCommand, strDescription) print_hr strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & strCommand WScript.Echo strDescription & ", command: " & strCommand Set objExecResult = objShell.Exec(strCommand & " 2>&1") If objExecResult.ProcessID = 0 And objExecResult.Status = 1 Then WScript.Echo strDescription & " failed: " & err.Description WScript.Quit 1 End If Do intStatus = objExecResult.Status WScript.StdOut.Write objExecResult.StdOut.ReadAll() WScript.StdErr.Write objExecResult.StdErr.ReadAll() If intStatus <> 0 Then Exit Do 'WScript.Sleep 10 Loop If objExecResult.ExitCode > 0 Then WScript.Echo strDescription & " failed, exit code: " & objExecResult.ExitCode Else WScript.Echo strDescription & " successful, exit code: " & objExecResult.ExitCode End If RunCommand = objExecResult.ExitCode WScript.Echo (Time) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function print_hr WScript.Echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" WScript.Echo (Time) WScript.Echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" End Function