Title: 2011-11 Incubator VCL Report VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing platform for the management of physical and virtual machines. [https://vcl.apache.org/](http://vcl.apache.org/) #### Community Involvement * Numerous Apache VCL community members have gained enough knowledge and are actively answering questions on the mailing lists. * Questions have been posted to the lists related to several new installations from around the world. * Development issues are being discussed with participants from many different organizations. ### Code Contributions * Support for IBM Power7 hardware was discussed on the development list. Code and documentation was contributed by Sunil Venkatesh of the University of Maryland Baltimore County. * Received a contribution from Satoshi Kobayashi of Hitachi Ltd. Japan to add Multilingualization/internationalization of the web UI and several other improvements. * Received a provisioning module for VMware vCenter clusters from Aaron Coburn at Amherst college. * Mark Gardner from Virginia Tech is working on adding support for IPv6. ### New Committers * Several individuals from different institutions have expressed interest in becoming committers. * The main barrier encountered is obtaining university legal department approval of individual and corporate contributor license agreements. Current committers are working with interested individuals to share experience and work through these issues. ### Top Issues Before Graduation * Work with the individuals who have already contributed code to Apache VCL and have expressed interest in becoming a committer. Assist them with the process of submitting the license agreement. Complete the process by conducting a vote on the vcl-private list. Signed off by mentor: