Title: 2009-11 Incubator VCL Report VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing platform for the management of physical and virtual machines. ### Community Involvement * The Apache VCL community is growing and people from several organizations are contributing * Questions about administration and end user use of Apache VCL are being asked and answered on the project's vcl-dev and vcl-user lists * A growing number of community members from multiple organizations are answering questions * Collaboration is occurring for architectural design and release planning via the vcl-dev list * Code patches have been discussed on the vcl-dev list and submitted to the Jira issue tracking system ### Release Preparation - Apache VCL 2.1 * The community is working to complete the final administrative tasks required to issue the first release (Apache VCL 2.1) * Josh Thompson has volunteered to act as the release manager for 2.1 per the advice of Matt Hogstrom, one of the project mentors * PGP keys have been created and added to the distribution area * A release candidate artifact has been created and is currently being discussed * Code and documentation updates are being made to the release candidate per community consensus * The tasks required to complete the release are being discussed on the vcl-dev list * Jira is being used to track the release tasks and to assemble the release changelog * Release procedures are being documented as the community develops its release process ### 3rd Party Dependencies * Procedures for handling 3rd party dependencies are being worked out by the VCL community with help from the ASF legal-discuss list * Major components of VCL are written in Perl and the Apache VCL release will only contain Perl code developed by the ASF * A Perl interpreter and supplemental Perl modules are required. These are licensed under the Artistic License, GPL, and LGPL. * Concerns were brought up by the project mentors and a question was posed to the legal-discuss list. The question was answered and we are working on implementing the recommendation. ### Project Name * The Apache VCL project name issue has been resolved * NCSU has taken steps to clearly indicate on its Apache VCL instance website that Apache VCL is developed by the ASF * References to NCSU have been removed from the code * NCSU employees affiliated with the Apache VCL project routinely communicate that VCL is an ASF project and encourage colleagues of other organizations to do the same ### Documentation * A large amount of documentation has been added to the project's Confluence site * People from multiple organizations have contributed to improving the documentation, both by editing the pages themselves and by pointing out areas for improvement on the lists ### Unresolved Issues * As noted in the May 2009 report -- questions were asked of the mentors regarding the rules governing wiki contributions from individuals who have not signed the CLA. It is the community's understanding that a separate wiki will be needed -- one for official documentation included with releases and one containing contributions from individual who have not signed the CLA. A request has been made to one of the mentors who had offered to create a 2nd wiki instance. This has not been completed yet. * A request has been made to the mentors to create a Confluence committers group that contains the Apache VCL community members with a CLA on file * A request has been made to the mentors to create a Jira Committers role that contains the Apache VCL community members with a CLA on file * Some committers have lost administrative access to Jira. The project mentors have been asked to restore the permissions. ### Top Issues Before Graduation * Complete the release of Apache VCL 2.1 * Continue to increase contributors from multiple institutions Signed off by mentor: * Alan Cabrera, Kevan Miller