Title: 2009-05 Incubator VCL Report # May 2009 VCL Incubator status report VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a framework for doing cloud management of physical and virtual machines. ### Project Name * Discussion about using the name VCL has continued but the issue has not been resolved. * A question was posed on the legal discussion list regarding the use of the VCL name. A response was givin indicating that NCSU should make it obvious that both the VCL name and code are donated to the ASF. * NCSU is working to make it obvious on its website that VCL is developed at the ASF. * The development community is working to remove references to NCSU from the VCL code. * More guidance is required from the project mentors or others from ASF in order to resolve this issue. ### Development * Code development has continued and many commits have been made to the ASF VCL repository. * The vcl-dev list is actively being used to discuss development issues. * The Jira issue system is being used for tracking and to plan the first release. ### Release Preparation * The development community is researching the ASF release process. * Work is being done to complete a few Jira issues before creating release. ### Documentation * The community decided to use a Confluence wiki for the project documentation. * Work has been done to organize project documentation. * Documentation is actively being contributed to wiki. * Questions were asked of the mentors regarding the rules governing wiki contributions from individuals who have not signed the CLA. It is the community's understanding that a separate wiki will be needed -- one for official documentation included with releases and one containing contributions from individual who have not signed the CLA. * A request has been made to one of the mentors who had offered to create a 2nd wiki instance.