= User Documentation = The following list provides links to various resources for learning more about uimaFIT. If you can not find an answer to your question, then please send email to [mailto:uimafit-users@googlegroups.com uimafit-users@googlegroups.com]. == Introduction == * [UserSetup User setup instructions] * [TwoSidesOfUimaFIT Conceptual Overview] * [GettingStarted Getting started tutorial] == Features == * [Pipelines Pipelines] * [TypeDescriptorDetection Type systems] * [ConfigurationParameters Configuration parameters] * [ExternalResources External resources] * [WorkingWithSofaViews Sofas/Views] == Use cases == * [WritingTests Writing tests] * [RunningExperiments Running experiments] == Examples, Tests and Reference Documentation == * [http://code.google.com/p/uimafit/source/browse/#svn/trunk/uimaFIT-examples/src/main/java/org/uimafit/examples Examples project] provides a number of examples. * The [http://code.google.com/p/uimafit/source/browse/#svn/trunk/uimaFIT/src/test/java/org/uimafit%3Fstate%3Dclosed unit tests] are fairly complete and provide a lot of code examples that should be helpful. * [http://uimafit.googlecode.com/svn/tags/uimafit-parent-1.4.0/apidocs/index.html Javadocs] = Developer Documentation = * [DeveloperSetup Developer setup instructions] page provides instructions for checking out the uimaFIT code and building it within eclipse. These instructions may also be useful if you want to e.g. build and run code in the uimafit-examples project. * [CreatingARelease Release instructions] page provides instructions for creating a new release of uimaFIT. * [Issues Issues] = Releases = * [http://code.google.com/p/uimafit/source/browse/trunk/uimaFIT/CHANGES CHANGES] * [ReleaseNotes_1_3_0 uimaFIT 1.3.0 release notes] * [ReleaseNotes_1_3_1 uimaFIT 1.3.1 release notes] * [ReleaseNotes_1_4_0 uimaFIT 1.4.0 release notes]