UIMA Summer School August 26, 2003 UIMA 101 - The New UIMA Introduction (Hands-on Tutorial) 9:00AM-5:00PM in HAW GN-K35 August 28, 2003 FROST Tutorial 9:00AM-5:00PM in HAW GN-K35 September 15, 2003 UIMA 201: UIMA Advanced Topics (Hands-on Tutorial) 9:00AM-5:00PM in HAW 1S-F53 September 17, 2003 The UIMA System Integration Test and Hardening Service The "SITH" 3:00PM-4:30PM in HAW GN-K35 UIMA Summer School Tutorial and Presentation Details UIMA 101: The new UIMA tutorial Tuesday August 26 9:00AM - 4:30PM in GN-K35 UIMA 101 is a hands-on programming tutorial. UIMA 101 is intended for people who want a first introductory course to UIMA or for people who would like a refresher. The tutorial covers the same concepts in the first UIMA tutorial given in 3Q 2002 except for some key updates: 1) It uses a new interface to the CAS that makes it more natural to access and update CAS feature structures using ordinary Java objects (i.e., the JCAS) and 2) It uses updated TAE interfaces that give the application developer more control over managing multiple CASs. Please NOTE expert users of UIMA can skip this one and should consider attending the Advanced Topics tutorial. Prerequisites for the UIMA 101 Tutorial 1) Java Programming 2) Some experience with Eclipse IDE helpful FROST Tutorial August 28 9:00AM - 5:00PM in GN-K35 Visitors from the FROST team will be here to talk to us about FROST. UIMA 201: The UIMA Advanced Topics Tutorial September 15: 9:00AM - 5:30PM in Hawthorne 1S-F53 UIMA 201 will introduce some new UIMA concepts and walk the student through hands-on examples. The advanced topics tutorial is designed for people who have some experience with UIMA and want to use new capabilities of UIMA 1.0 to address one or more of the following Advanced Topics: 1) Collection Processing and Collection Processing Engines (CPEs) 2) Multi-Threading and CAS Pooling 3) Using the UIMA adapter framework to integrate network TAEs with Java TAEs 4) A Semantic Search Application that brings it all together Prerequisites for UIMA 201 1) UIMA 101 Tutorial OR Extensive UIMA Experience The UIMA Integration Test bed Service (The "SITH") September 17 3:00PM - 4:30PM in HAW GN-K35 We have developed the first version of the UIMA Integration Test bed service. This service is being developed to help test, evaluate, certify and publish UIMA compliant components. In this talk we will explain the service and what it is intended to provide the UIMA community. We will address the following topics: 1. SITH Services 2. How to submit components and what to expect in return 3. Overview of the test bed implementation using Collection Processing UIMA and Juru. 4. Next Steps for the SITH