2016/05/28 - Apache Tuscany has been retired.

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 Apache Tuscany > Home > SDO Overview > SDO Java > Developing SDO Java > Building From SVN User List | Dev List | Issue Tracker  

How to Build

Set up your environment using the instructions for building the whole of Tuscany, but only download and install Java 5, Maven and Svn (note that only one file, Interface2JavaGenerator.java, has a Java 5 dependency, if you want to work with Java 1.4.2 then just delete this file before building).

Make sure 'mvn' and 'svn' commands are in your PATH environment variable.

Check out the SDO open source projects from Apache.

md <local tuscany dir>
cd <local tuscany dir>
svn co -N https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java
cd java
svn up sdo
svn up -N spec
cd spec
svn up sdo-api

Run "mvn" under <local tuscany dir>/java directory to install POM files from the root project to the local repository

cd <local tuscany dir>/java
mvn -N
cd spec
mvn -N
cd ../sdo
mvn -N (alternatively, run without the -N option - see Note below)

You can now build SDO project as a whole or build the individual SDO subprojects.

Build SDO project

This step builds all subprojects in the source tree at once

mvn in <local tuscany dir>/java/sdo

If the mvn command completed successfully, you will see BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the output and the results of compilation will be available in jar files created under directories named "target" directly under the root directories of the projects. These jar files are also installed into your local maven repository ($HOME/.m2/repository) and are available as inputs to later build operations.

Maven fetches external resources required for a build process from the internet. These resources are at times unavailable. It may be necessary to run "mvn" again at a later time.

If you are taking time to reply to firewall prompts, this can cause some requests to time out. Set up the firewall to permit the action without prompting.

Build sub projects of SDO individually

Build sdo.spec project

cd <local tuscany dir>/java/spec/sdo-api
mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse (optional: Run this command if you are using Eclipse for development.)

Build sdo.impl project

cd <local tuscany dir>/java/sdo/impl
mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse (optional: Run this command if you are using Eclipse for development.)

Build sdo.tools project

cd <local tuscany dir>/java/sdo/tools
mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse (optional: Run this command if you are using Eclipse for development.)

Build sdo.samples project

cd <local tuscany dir>/java/sdo/sample
mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse (optional: Run this command if you are using Eclipse for development.)

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