# OJB.properties -- configuration of the OJB runtime environment # (c) 2001, Th. Mahler # ### # # The repositoryFile entry tells OJB to use this fileas its standard mapping # repository. If now path is specified the file is looked up in the working # directory from that OJB was started. # repositoryFile=repository.xml # ### # # The ConnectionFactoryClass entry determines which kind of ConnectionFactory # is to be used within OJB. A ConnectionFactory is responsible for creating # JDBC Connections. The default implementation uses the java.sql.DriverManager # to obtain connections. There is also a JNDI based factory that uses # Datasources lookup up from the JNDI initial context. # ConnectionFactoryClass=ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryDefaultImpl # ConnectionFactoryClass=ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryJNDIImpl # ### # # The SequenceManagerClass entry determines the SequenceManager to be used # The default implementation is not very elaborated. Implement a better # version and tell OJB to use it here: # SequenceManagerClass=ojb.broker.util.SequenceManagerDefaultImpl # ### # # The ObjectCacheClass entry tells OJB which concrete Cache implementation # is to be used. # ObjectCacheClass=ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl # ### # # The LockManagerClass entry tells OJB which concrete LockManager # implementation is to be used. # LockManagerClass=ojb.odmg.locking.LockManagerDefaultImpl # ### # # The LockTimeout entry defines the maximum time in milliseconds # that a lock may be hold. Defaults to 60000 = 1 minute # LockTimeout=60000 # ### # # The LockAssociations entry defines the behaviour for the OJB # implicit locking feature. If set to WRITE (default) acquiring a write- # lock on a given object x implies write locks on all objects associated # to x. If set to READ implicit read-locks are acquired. # Acquiring a read-lock on x allways results in implicit read-locks # on all associated objects. # LockAssociations=WRITE # LockAssociations=READ # ### # # The useServer entry determines if OJB runs in single VM or in client/server # mode. The default value "false" launches single VM mode # useServer=false # ### # # The BokerServers entry is only evaluated if useServer=true. # it declares a list of servers with their respective ports # on that OJB PersistenceBrokerServer processes are running. # The entries must be separated by commas. # BrokerServers=localhost\:2001 # BrokerServers=stella\:2001,luna\:2001 # ### # # The ServerThreadCount entry tells the PersistenceBrokerServer # how many worker threads have to be started initially. # ServerThreadCount=10 # ### # # The BrokerPoolSize entry defines the number of PersistenceBrokers # that reside in the BrokerPool of the PersistenceBrokerServer # BrokerPoolSize=10 # ### # # End of OJB.properties file