# SDKtest_client configuration file # # # # Set the target_host and target_port for the proxy server. # Comment out these lines to connect directly to a web server # or a transparent proxy. # #target_host = my_proxy #target_port = 8080 # # Set the client machine name(s), separated by spaces. # ("clients = c1 c2 c3") # 'localhost' can be specified as a host name. A machine # can be listed more than once to start multiple processes. # clients = localhost client_program = SDKtest_client # # Set the reverse_proxy to hostname:80 for the reverse proxy. # Use a full adress for the hostname. # Comment out this line to connect to a regular proxy server (forward # proxy), a transparent proxy, or directly to a web server, # including synthetic web servers. # #reverse_proxy = my_hostname.my_company.com:80 # # Set the origin_servers to hostname:port for the synthetic web # servers. For simple tests, 'localhost' can be used for the # hostname to start the server on the client machine. For # large-scale tests, multiple origin servers can be used by # separating names with spaces: # ("origin_servers = s1:port s2:port s3:port") # origin_servers = localhost:8080 # # Set origin_autostart to the path for the SDKtest_server # executable. Comment out this line if you don't want the # synthetic server automatically started # origin_autostart = synth_server/SDKtest_server # # Set the test time and interval between incremental reports # (both in seconds). # execution_interval = 100 reporting_interval = 10 # # Set the number of synthetic users per client machine to simulate. # (For large numbers of users, system networking parameters may # need to be adjusted.) # users = 100 # # Set the target cache hitrate percentage, the number of hot # documents, and the total number of virtual documents. hitrate = 100 hotset = 100 docset = 1000000000 # # Set warmup to 1 to specify that a separate run should be done to # warm up the cache with the hotset. (If the value is greater than # one, e.g., 'warmup = 3', warmup will be executed that many times.) # warmup = 0 # # Specify the files containing the document size, byte rate, and # think time distributions. Each line of a distribution file # contains a value followed by a probability of selecting that value. # (The probabilities must sum to exactly 1.) # # The document sizes are specified in bytes. # Byte rates are specified in bytes per second and control the # maximum rate that a simulated user can receive documents. # A byterate value of -1 indicates an unlimited byterate # Thinktimes are specified in milliseconds and specify the # time that users "think" after receiving a document before # requesting another document. # docsize_dist_file = docsize.real byterate_dist_file = byterate.fast thinktime_dist_file = thinktime.0 # # Set keepalive to the number of requests made on each connection # before closing the connection. A value of 1 means that # keepalive isn't being used. A value of 4 is typical of some # browsers. (Note that round-trip time histograms aren't well-defined # for keepalive > 1.) # keepalive = 1 # # Set the maximum value and bin resolution (both in seconds) for # histograms of connect time, first-byte latency, and transaction # time. For example, if histogram_max is 30 and histogram_resolution # is 0.5, then for each of the 3 metrics, there will be 60 buckets # holding the number of timings in each half-second interval up to # 30 seconds. # histogram_max = 30 histogram_resolution = 0.5 # # Cutoffs for counting transaction times above these limits (in msec). # connect_cutoff = 500 first_byte_cutoff = 1000 round_trip_cutoff = 2000 # # Determine what remote shell to use if we run SDKtest on # multiple machines # remote_shell = rsh # # Setting the debug flag to 1 generates a large volume of # debugging messages. # debug = 0 # # Setting the ssl flag to 1 causes each client connection to # the proxy to be an ssl connection # ssl = 0 # # If you provide plugin for SDKtest_client, specify the name of # the plugin file in 'plugin' option. And put the .so file for # the plugin under the same directory as SDKtest_client.config # (plugin = hello_world.so) #plugin = hello_world.so