Protocol plugin example for SDK 3.0 List of files ------------- - Protocol.c : Accept client requests and generate transaction state machines for each client request. - TxnSM.c : Implementation of handling a transaction. - Protocol.h : Header file. - TxnSM.h : Header file. - test/ : Synthetic server. - test/ : Synthetic client. - test/ : shell script to generate file list for testing. Protocol -------- - Request : [server_name][space][file_name][space][\r\n] - Response : File (if file is found) Nothing (if file is not found) How to run proxy ---------------- - Compile and copy it under plugins directory. - In plugin.config: accept_port is the port to listen to client requests. server_port is the port to connect to origin server. - Debug tag: -T"protocol". How to run synthetic server --------------------------- - Compile and get ProtocolServerTest.class. - Run: java ProtocolServerTest server_port is the port synthetic server listens to requests. server_port should match "server_port" argument passed to the plugin. How to run synthetic client --------------------------- - Compile and get ProtocolClientTest.class. - Run: java ProtocolClientTest -options. - Options include: "-P" : proxy name (e.g. "-p" : proxy port (match "accept_port" argument passed to the plugin) "-s" : origin server name "-f" : file list name (generated by "-n" : number of pipelined client requests "-l" : how many times of looping