# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # All of these stats and only these stats should be included in the # various UIs as noted. # each line is of the following format: # VARIABLE WHERE # VARIABLE is the manager variable # WHERE is concatenated string consisting of one or more of # "M" - must be present in MIB # "H" - must be present in HTML # "C" - must be present in CLI # "P" - must be present in NT Perfmon # "I" - internal use only. doesn't appear in UI # # No data for WHERE field means must be present in ALL interfaces, # but this file will expand, so consider this field mandatory in # the near future. # # In the section following the "VARIABLE WHERE" are one or more # lines of description about the stat: # Stat: # type (float, integer) # usage (counter, gauge) # max range scale (used for NT perfmon. # Display range is 0-100 by default (100 is maximum value of range) # Scale factor for use in perfmon is: log10(100/MAX_RANGE_SCALE) # This is just an initial default so pick a scale that will show # something meaningful in the average case.) # units (e.g. bytes, kb/sec, %) # name of variable in traffic server, e.g "proxy.node...." (Key field) # this is specified in the "VARIABLE WHERE" information # perfmon structure variable name (used for NT perfmon) # short doc - description for scrolling list # documentation - description for the humans # traffic server enumerated value (?) # # relationships # Stat is present in UI # 1->1. Statistic is used in UI. This serves as a cross-reference # check. This is present in the "VARIABLE WHERE" information # Stat is derived from Stat # 1->N with link attribute "derived" that describes how the stat is # computed. # Stat is member of Subsystem # 1->1. Not used. # Stat is member of Atomic Update Group # 1->1. The values of all statistics in atomic update group take on # their new values at same time. # # # html/everything.ink proxy.node.cache_total_hits # derived: sum of proxy.process.http.cache_hit_fresh, proxy.process.http.cache_hit_revalidated # usage: counter # units: objects # scale: 1000 # doc: # of objects served from cache # perfmonvar: cache_total_hits proxy.node.cache_total_misses # derived: sum of proxy.process.http.cache_miss_cold, proxy.process.http.cache_miss_changed, proxy.process.http.cache_miss_not_cacheable, proxy.process.http.cache_miss_client_no_cache # usage: counter # units: objects # scale: 1000 # doc: # of objects not found in cache # perfmonvar: cache_total_misses proxy.cluster.cache_total_hits # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.cache_total_hits # usage: counter # units: objects # scale: 1000 # doc: # of objects served from cache (cluster) # shortdoc: # objects srvd frm cache (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_cache_total_hits proxy.cluster.cache_total_misses # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.cache_total_misses # usage: counter # units: objects # scale: 1000 # doc: # of objects not found in cache (cluster) # shortdoc: # objects not fnd in cache (clster) # perfmonvar: cluster_cache_total_misses # # html/dashboard.stats.ink proxy.node.http.current_parent_proxy_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to HTTP parent proxies # shortdoc: # open conn to HTTP parent proxies # perfmonvar: cur_parent_proxy_conn # proxy.node.current_cache_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to the cache # perfmonvar: cur_cache_conn # proxy.node.current_client_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to clients # perfmonvar: cur_client_conn # proxy.node.current_server_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to servers # perfmonvar: cur_server_conn # proxy.cluster.http.current_parent_proxy_connections # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.http.current_parent_proxy_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to HTTP parent proxies (cluster) # shortdoc: # open con to HTTP prnt prxies (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_cur_parent_proxy_conn # proxy.cluster.current_cache_connections # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.current_cache_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to the cache (cluster) # shortdoc: # open conn to the cache (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_cur_cache_conn # proxy.cluster.current_client_connections # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.current_client_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to clients (cluster) # shortdoc: # open conn to clients (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_cur_client_conn # proxy.cluster.current_server_connections # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.current_server_connections # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 100 # doc: # of open connections to servers (cluster) # shortdoc: # open conn to servers (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_cur_server_conn # proxy.node.bandwidth_hit_ratio CH # doc: The ratio of bytes served from the cache to total requested bytes (HTTP) since installation). # proxy.node.http.user_agent_total_request_bytes = proxy.process.http.user_agent_request_document_total_size + proxy.process.http.user_agent_request_header_total_size # proxy.node.http.user_agent_total_response_bytes = proxy.process.http.user_agent_response_document_total_size + proxy.process.http.user_agent_response_header_total_size # proxy.node.http.origin_server_total_request_bytes = proxy.process.http.origin_server_request_document_total_size + proxy.process.http.origin_server_request_header_total_size # proxy.node.http.origin_server_total_response_bytes = proxy.process.http.origin_server_response_document_total_size + proxy.process.http.origin_server_response_header_total_size # UA_bytes = proxy.node.http.user_agent_total_request_bytes + proxy.node.http.user_agent_total_response_bytes # OS_bytes = proxy.node.http.origin_server_total_request_bytes + proxy.node.http.origin_server_total_response_bytes # PP_bytes = 0 # result = (UA_bytes - (OS_bytes + PP_bytes)) / UA_bytes proxy.cluster.bandwidth_hit_ratio CH # units: % # scale: 100 proxy.node.cache_hit_ratio CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.cluster.cache_hit_ratio CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.node.client_throughput_out CH # doc: Number of HTTP bytes per second through node (and cluster). # usage: gauge # units: bytes/second # scale: 100000 proxy.cluster.client_throughput_out CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.cluster.cache.bytes_free CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.cluster.cache.percent_free CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.cluster.dns.lookups_per_second # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.dns.lookups_per_second # usage: gauge # units: operations/second # scale: 100 # doc: # of DNS lookups/second (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_dns_lookups_per_second # proxy.cluster.dns.total_dns_lookups # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.dns.total_dns_lookups # usage: gauge # units: operations # scale: 10000 # doc: total # of DNS lookups (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_total_dns_lookups # proxy.cluster.hostdb.hit_ratio CH # doc: Ratio of host database hits to total host database lookups, since installation. # usage: gauge # units: % # scale: 100 proxy.cluster.http.bandwidth_hit_ratio CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.cluster.http.cache_current_connections_count D proxy.cluster.http.cache_hit_ratio CH # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.cluster.http.cache_total_hits I proxy.cluster.http.origin_server_current_connections_count # usage: gauge # units: connection # scale: 100 # doc: The number of currently open HTTP server connections (cluster) # perfmonvar: cur_http_origin_server_conn # proxy.cluster.http.origin_server_total_response_bytes I proxy.cluster.http.origin_server_total_transactions_count D proxy.cluster.http.throughput # usage: gauge # units: bytes/second # scale: 10000000 # doc: HTTP throughput bytes/second (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_http_throughput # proxy.cluster.http.user_agent_current_connections_count # doc: Number of currently open HTTP client connections (cluster). # shortdoc: # cur open HTTP conn (clstr) # scale: 100 # units: connections # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cluster_cur_http_ua_conn proxy.cluster.http.user_agent_total_response_bytes I proxy.cluster.http.user_agent_xacts_per_second # derived: cluster aggregate of proxy.node.http.user_agent_xacts_per_second # usage: gauge # units: transactions/second # scale: 1000 # doc: user agent transactions/second (cluster) # shortdoc: user agt xacts/s (cluster) # perfmonvar: cluster_http_ua_xacts_sec proxy.cluster.http.user_agents_total_transactions_count D proxy.node.cache.bytes_free CH proxy.node.cache.percent_free CH proxy.node.dns.lookups_per_second # usage: gauge # units: operations/second # scale: 100 # doc: # of DNS lookups/second # perfmonvar: dns_lookups_per_second # #this one appears as proxy.process.dns.total_dns_lookups as well proxy.node.dns.total_dns_lookups CH proxy.node.hostdb.hit_ratio CH # doc: Ratio of host database hits to total host database lookups, since installation. # usage: gauge # units: % # scale: 100 proxy.node.hostname CH proxy.node.http.bandwidth_hit_ratio CH # doc: The ratio of bytes served from the cache to total requested bytes (HTTP) since installation). # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.node.http.cache_current_connections_count # doc: Number of HTTP cache transfers (cache reads and writes) in progress. # shortdoc: # HTTP cache xfrs in prgrss # scale: 100 # units: connections # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cur_http_cache_conn proxy.node.http.cache_hit_ratio CH # doc: Ratio of cache hits to total cache requests (HTTP), since installation. # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge proxy.node.http.cache_total_hits # doc: Total number of HTTP objects served from the cache since installation. # shortdoc: Tot # HTTP obj srvd frm cache # units: documents # scale: 10000 # usage: counter # perfmonvar: http_cache_hits_total proxy.node.http.origin_server_current_connections_count # doc: Number of currently open HTTP server connections. # shortdoc: # cur open HTTP srvr conn # scale: 100 # units: connections # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cur_http_os_conn proxy.node.http.origin_server_total_response_bytes I proxy.node.http.origin_server_total_transactions_count D proxy.node.http.throughput # usage: gauge # units: bytes/second # scale: 10000000 # doc: HTTP throughput bytes/second # perfmonvar: cur_http_throughput # proxy.node.http.user_agent_current_connections_count # doc: Number of currently open HTTP client connections. # shortdoc: # cur open HTTP cli conn # scale: 100 # units: connections # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cur_http_ua_conn proxy.node.http.user_agent_total_response_bytes I proxy.node.http.user_agent_xacts_per_second # doc: user agent transactions/second # shortdoc: user agt xacts/s # usage: gauge # units: transactions/second # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: http_ua_xacts_sec proxy.node.http.user_agents_total_transactions_count D # doc: Count of incoming HTTP client requests. # shortdoc: count of incoming HTTP cli rqsts # perfmonvar: http_ua_total_trans # usage: counter # units: transactions # scale: 1000 # html/protocols.stats.ink proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.aborts CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.connect_failed CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.early_hangups CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.empty_hangups CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.other CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.possible_aborts CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.pre_accept_hangups CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.hit_fresh CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.hit_revalidated CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_changed CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_client_no_cache CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_cold CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_not_cacheable CH proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.other.unclassified CH proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.aborts proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.connect_failed proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.early_hangups proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.empty_hangups proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.other proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.possible_aborts proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.errors.pre_accept_hangups proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.hit_fresh proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.hit_revalidated proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.miss_changed proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.miss_client_no_cache proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.miss_cold proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.miss_not_cacheable proxy.node.http.transaction_msec_avg_10s.other.unclassified proxy.process.http.current_client_connections # doc: Total HTTP client connections currently active # shortdoc: Tot HTTP cli conn cur active # units: connections # usage: counter # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cur_http_client_conn proxy.process.http.current_client_transactions # doc: Total HTTP client transactions in progress # shortdoc: Tot HTTP cli xact in progress # units: transactions # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cur_http_client_trans proxy.process.http.current_server_connections # doc: Total HTTP server connections currently active # shortdoc: Tot HTTP srvr conn cur actv # units: connections # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cur_http_server_conn proxy.process.http.current_server_transactions # doc: Total HTTP server connections in progress # shortdoc: Tot HTTP srvr conn in progress # units: transactions # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cur_http_server_trans proxy.process.http.origin_server_response_document_total_size # doc: Total amount of HTTP data received from origin servers since installation. # shortdoc: Tot HTTP data rcvd from origin # units: bytes # usage: counter # scale: 100000 # perfmonvar: http_os_resp_doc_total proxy.process.http.origin_server_response_header_total_size # doc: Total amount of HTTP header data received from origin servers since installation # shortdoc: Tot HTTP hdr data rcvd from origin # units: bytes # usage: counter # scale: 100000 # perfmonvar: http_os_resp_header_total proxy.process.http.user_agent_response_document_total_size # doc: Total amount of HTTP data served to clients since installation # shortdoc: Tot HTTP data srvd to clients # units: bytes # usage: counter # scale: 100000 # perfmonvar: http_ua_resp_doc_total proxy.process.http.user_agent_response_header_total_size # doc: Total amount of HTTP header data served to clients since installation # shortdoc: Tot HTTP hdr data svrd to clients # units: bytes # usage: counter # scale: 100000 # perfmonvar: http_ua_resp_header_total proxy.process.icp.cache_lookup_fail # doc: ICP remote query misses # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_remote_query_miss proxy.process.icp.cache_lookup_success # doc: ICP remote query hits # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_remote_query_hit proxy.process.icp.icp_query_hits # doc: ICP peer HIT responses received # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_query_hit proxy.process.icp.icp_query_misses # doc: ICP peer MISS responses received # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_query_miss proxy.process.icp.icp_remote_responses # doc: ICP responses (HIT/MISS) received # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_query_responses_received # proxy.process.icp.icp_query_requests # doc: ICP peer queries sent # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_query_requests # proxy.process.icp.icp_remote_query_requests # doc: ICP queries received # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_queries_received # proxy.process.icp.query_response_write # doc: ICP responses sent to peers # units: transactions # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_responses_sent # proxy.process.icp.total_icp_request_time # doc: average response time for ICP subsystem requests # units: milliseconds # usage: gauge # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: icp_subsystem_avg_request_time # proxy.process.icp.total_icp_response_time # doc: average response time for ICP peer requests # units: milliseconds # usage: gauge # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: icp_peer_avg_request_time # proxy.process.icp.total_udp_send_queries # doc: total ICP query messages sent to ICP peers # units: packets # usage: counter # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: total_icp_udp_send_queries # # html/cache.stats.ink proxy.process.cache.bytes_total CH # doc: Total number of bytes devoted to the cache # units: bytes # usage: gauge # scale: 100000000 # perfmonvar: cache_bytes_total proxy.process.cache.bytes_used CH # doc: Number of bytes currently used by cache # units: bytes # usage: gauge # scale: 100000000 # perfmonvar: cache_bytes_used proxy.process.cache.lookup.active # doc: Number of cache lookup operations active # doc: # of cache lookup ops active # units: operations # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cache_lookup_active proxy.process.cache.lookup.failure # doc: Number of cache lookup operations that failed # shortdoc: # of cache lookup ops that failed # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_lookup_failure proxy.process.cache.lookup.success # doc: Number of cache lookup operations that succeeded # shortdoc: # of cache lookup ops succeeded # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_lookup_success proxy.process.cache.read.active # doc: Number of cache read operations active # shortdoc: # of cache read ops active # units: operations # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cache_read_active proxy.process.cache.read.failure # doc: Number of cache read operations that failed # shortdoc: # of cache read ops failed # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_read_failure proxy.process.cache.read.success # doc: Number of cache read operations that succeeded # shortdoc: # of cache read ops succeeded # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_read_success proxy.process.cache.remove.active # doc: Number of cache remove operations active # shortdoc: # of cache remove ops active # units: operations # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cache_remove_active proxy.process.cache.remove.failure # doc: Number of cache remove operations that failed # shortdoc: # of cache remove ops failed # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_remove_failure proxy.process.cache.remove.success # doc: Number of cache remove operations that succeeded # shortdoc: # of cache remove ops succeeded # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_remove_success proxy.process.cache.update.active # doc: Number of cache update operations active # shortdoc: # of cache update ops active # units: operations # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cache_update_active proxy.process.cache.update.failure # doc: Number of cache update operations that failed # shortdoc: # of cache update ops failed # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_update_failure proxy.process.cache.update.success # doc: Number of cache update operations that succeeded # shortdoc: # of cache update ops succeeded # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_update_success proxy.process.cache.write.active # doc: Number of cache write operations active # shortdoc: # of cache write ops active # units: operations # usage: gauge # scale: 100 # perfmonvar: cache_write_active proxy.process.cache.write.failure # doc: Number of cache write operations that failed # shortdoc: # of cache write ops failed # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_write_failure proxy.process.cache.write.success # doc: Number of cache write operations that succeeded # shortdoc: # of cache write ops succeeded # units: operations # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cache_write_success # # html/misc.stats.ink proxy.process.cluster.connections_open # doc: Total number of intracluster connections currently open # units: connections # usage: gauge # scale: 10 # perfmonvar: total_cluster_conn_open # proxy.process.cluster.connections_opened # doc: Total number of intracluster connections opened since installation # units: connections # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: total_cluster_conn_opened # proxy.process.cluster.net_backup # doc: # of proxy-only due to cluster congestion # units: events # usage: counter # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: cluster_net_backup # proxy.process.cluster.nodes # doc: # of nodes in cluster # units: nodes # usage: gauge # scale: 10 # perfmonvar: cluster_nodes # proxy.process.cluster.read_bytes # doc: # of bytes read from other nodes in cluster # units: bytes # usage: counter # scale: 10000000 # perfmonvar: cluster_read_bytes # proxy.process.cluster.write_bytes # doc: # of bytes written to other nodes in cluster # units: bytes # usage: counter # scale: 10000000 # perfmonvar: cluster_write_bytes # proxy.process.dns.lookup_avg_time CHM proxy.process.dns.lookup_successes # usage: counter # units: operations # scale: 10000 # doc: total # of successful DNS lookups # perfmonvar: total_dns_lookup_successes # proxy.process.dns.total_dns_lookups # usage: counter # units: operations # scale: 10000 # doc: total # of DNS lookups # perfmonvar: total_dns_lookups # proxy.process.hostdb.total_hits # usage: counter # units: operations # scale: 10000 # doc: total # of HostDB lookup hits # perfmonvar: total_hostdb_hits # proxy.process.hostdb.total_lookups # usage: counter # units: operations # scale: 10000 # doc: total # of HostDB lookups # perfmonvar: total_hostdb_lookups # proxy.process.hostdb.ttl # usage: gauge # units: minutes # scale: 10000 # doc: average TTL of HostDB entries (minutes) # perfmonvar: hostdb_ttl # proxy.process.log.event_log_access # usage: counter # units: events # scale: 100000 # doc: The current number of access events that have been written to log files. This counter represents one entry in one file, so that if multiple formats are being written, a single access will create multiple access event log entries. # shortdoc: # of events written to log files # perfmonvar: log_event_log_access # proxy.process.log.event_log_access_skip # usage: counter # units: events # scale: 100000 # doc: # of events skipped instead of written to log files # shortdoc: # of events not written to log files # perfmonvar: log_event_log_access_skip # proxy.process.log.event_log_error # usage: counter # units: events # scale: 100000 # doc: # of events written to error log # perfmonvar: log_event_log_error # proxy.process.log.log_files_open # usage: gauge # units: files # scale: 10 # doc: How many access log files (formats) are currently being written # shortdoc: # of log files being written to # perfmonvar: log_log_files_open # proxy.process.log.log_files_space_used # usage: gauge # units: bytes # scale: 1000000 # doc: The current amount of space being used by the logging directory, which contains all of the access and error logs # shortdoc: # of bytes used by logging directory # perfmonvar: log_log_files_space_used # proxy.process.socks.connections_currently_open # usage: gauge # units: connections # scale: 1000 # doc: Number of SOCKS connections in progress # shortdoc: # of SOCKS conn in progress # perfmonvar: cur_socks_conn_open # proxy.process.socks.connections_successful # usage: counter # units: connections # scale: 1000 # doc: Number of successful SOCKS connections in progress # shortdoc: # of successful SOCKS conn # perfmonvar: total_socks_conn_successful # proxy.process.socks.connections_unsuccessful # usage: counter # units: connections # scale: 1000 # doc: Number of unsuccessful SOCKS connections in progress # shortdoc: # of unsuccessful SOCKS conn # perfmonvar: total_socks_conn_unsuccessful # #these are generated in manager and should be present in MIB: proxy.node.client_throughput_out_kbit M proxy.cluster.client_throughput_out_kbit M proxy.node.bandwidth_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.node.bandwidth_hit_ratio * 100 # doc: The ratio of bytes served from the cache to total requested bytes (HTTP) since installation). # shortdoc: % HTTP bytes served from cache # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: bw_hit_ratio proxy.cluster.bandwidth_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.cluster.bandwidth_hit_ratio * 100 # doc: The ratio of bytes served from the cache to total requested bytes (HTTP) since installation). # shortdoc: % HTTP bytes srvd frm cache (cluster) # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cluster_bw_hit_ratio proxy.node.cache_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.node.cache_hit_ratio * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cache_hit_ratio proxy.cluster.cache_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.cluster.cache_hit_ratio * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cluster_cache_hit_ratio proxy.node.http.cache_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.node.http.cache_hit_ratio * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: http_cache_hit_ratio proxy.cluster.http.cache_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.cluster.http.cache_hit_ratio * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cluster_http_cache_hit_ratio proxy.node.http.bandwidth_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.node.http.bandwidth_hit_ratio * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: node_http_bw_hit_ratio proxy.cluster.http.bandwidth_hit_ratio_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.cluster.http.bandwidth_hit_ratio * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cluster_http_bw_hit_ratio proxy.node.cache.percent_free_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.node.cache.percent_free * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cache_pct_free proxy.cluster.cache.percent_free_int_pct MP # derived: proxy.cluster.cache.percent_free * 100 # units: % # scale: 100 # usage: gauge # perfmonvar: cluster_cache_pct_free proxy.cluster.cache.bytes_free_mb M proxy.node.cache.bytes_total_mb M proxy.cluster.hostdb.hit_ratio_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.aborts_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.connect_failed_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.early_hangups_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.empty_hangups_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.other_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.possible_aborts_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.errors.pre_accept_hangups_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.hit_fresh_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.hit_revalidated_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_changed_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_client_no_cache_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_cold_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.miss_not_cacheable_int_pct M proxy.node.http.transaction_frac_avg_10s.other.unclassified_int_pct M # proxy.process.cache.read_per_sec # doc: current # of cache read operations # units: read/sec # usage: gauge # scale: 1000 # perfmonvar: proxy_process_cache_read_per_sec # proxy.process.cache.write_per_sec # doc: current # of cache write operations # units: write/sec # usage: gauge # scale: 50 # perfmonvar: proxy_process_cache_write_per_sec # proxy.process.cache.KB_read_per_sec # doc: current # of KB read from cache # units: KB read/sec # usage: gauge # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: proxy_process_cache_KB_read_per_sec # proxy.process.cache.KB_write_per_sec # doc: current # of KB write from cache # units: KB write/sec # usage: gauge # scale: 10000 # perfmonvar: proxy_process_cache_KB_write_per_sec #