About add-header.c This plugin adds a header to a request. Enter the text of the header to be added into the plugin.config file; for example, enter the following line in plugin.config On NT: AddHeader.dll "name1: value1" "name2: value2" On Solaris: add-header.so "name1: value1" "name2: value2" The INKPluginInit function does the following: - creates a MIME field buffer that contains the header to be added, using the following functions: INKMBufferCreate INKMimeHdrCreate INKMimeFieldCreate INKMimeFieldInsert INKMimeFieldNameSet INKMimeFieldValueInsert - sets up the callback for the add-header-plugin function, which is the main callback function, using INKHttpHookAdd(INK_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, INKContCreate(add_header_plugin, NULL); add_header_plugin is the main function in the plugin. In the event of INK_EVENT_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR (when the HTTP state machine reads a request header), it calls the function add_header. add_header first makes sure that it can retrieve the client request header from the current transaction, using INKHttpTxnClientReqGet copies the header into the MIME headers of the HTTP request, using the following functions: INKMimeHdrFieldGet INKMimeFieldCreate INKMimeFieldCopy INKMimeHdrFieldInsert INKMimeFieldNext When add_header is done, it uses INKHttpTxnReenable to continue. EXAMPLE ------- One example of adding to a request header is to put this line into the plugins.config: add-header.deprecated.so "Pragma: no-cache" Make sure that the page is in the cache by using the cache inspector UI. Add this to records.config: CONFIG proxy.config.http_ui_enabled INT 1 reread the config by restarting traffic server or by running traffic_line -x. Configure your browser to connect to your proxy server. In IE: tools->internet options -> Connections -> LAN Settings... -> Use a proxy server. Once configured, open a browser to: http:{cache} Type in the URL that you requested. Stats on the page should be displayed. If it's not in the cache then issue a GET http://www.yourpage.com HTTP/1.0 and recheck that the page is in the cache. The "Prage: no-cache" directive will be read by traffic server and should show some interesting results in the squid.log: 968377769 3003 TCP_REFRESH_MISS/200 11115 GET http://www.inktomi.com/ - DIRECT/www.inktomi.com text/html Any name-value pair can be used as an argument to the plug-on, but this is perhaps a more real-world example of adding to the header of a request.