Readme for Samples for SDKtest_server Plugins ============================================= hello_world.c - Demonstrate the most basic routine of writing the SDKtest_server plugin This example simply prints a statement to standard error within the INKPluginInit() to make sure that the plugin is successfully loaded when SDKtest_server starts running. SimSynthServer.c - Simulate the default way of responding requests by the SDKtest_server When SDKtest_server received a request from a client in the following format: GET []/serial_number/lengthxxx HTTP/1.0 Accept: */* Host: hostname:port it parses the header and looks for the number of bytes requested. (which should be the number after the string 'length') Then it fills up the response buffer with appropriate response header and then a string of 'XXXXX....XXE' with that number of bytes. SimSynthServerCache.c - Simulate the default way of responding requests by the SDKtest_server with cachability specified in the server response header in some percentage. It responses the client requests in the same way as SimSynthServer.c example. It only differs by adding a 'Cache-Control' header in the MIME field in the response header. Added Options in Synth_server.config - cachability : percentage of cachable response we want to generate LogRequest.c - Log the requests that are received from the clients into a file specified in the SDKtest_server.config file. Added Options in Synth_server.config - log_path : full path of the log file eg. /home/user/file.log Note: This example only works for single origin_server setup. CheckContentServer.c - Response the client requests in the format of '0123456789012..' until it reaches the number of bytes the client requested. In that case, the client can check the correctness of the responded documents. Note: This example needs to work with CheckContentClient plugin for SDKtest_client.